Muscle fatigue

I'm just wondering if any girls here experience the same problem and what you do about it (Assuming that there is something you can do...)

So here's the story...

During the 2 weeks after period, I usually feel super energetic. For 4 days a week, I can do a 20-minute hiit, 30~45-minute circuit training(50sec on 10sec rest) and end with a 20-minute boring cardio. Heart rate goes over 160bpm easily during the 20-minute hiit. I always throw in jump squats (I take them onto the lovely bouncy bosu if I'm in the mood) or jump lunges or some burpees into the circuit and I usually use 15lbs weights or a 9~10kg medicine ball. And after all that, during my 20-minute cardio, my heart rate can still be maintained at 130~135bpm level fairly easily. Muscle pain only comes after I've done this two nights in a row and the pain goes away in a day.

Then once PMS starts as well as during my period, my heart rate can hardly be raised over 135bpm, even when I do interval training. I can hardly find the strength to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds. Both muscle strength and endurance drops dramatically. I still go to the gym every day though.... (I have tried forcing myself to stay home.... but that felt awful)

I understand that could be just PMS...
Exercise is supposed to help, right? But that's the thing. I have never stopped working out and this pattern is still repeating itself.

Any similar experiences here?
Insights into its cause (perhaps deficits in certain vitamins... this has crossed my mind)?