Intimidated by Insanity...Can I do it???

Sumatra Posts: 181
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I really need to get more strength training into my regular routine and I keep wanting to do Insanity, but I am just really intimidated by it. It looks so hard! I'm sure I can do it, little by little and get better over time, but it looks really hard. What happens if I injure myself just starting out and then I can't exercise at all for awhile?

Has anyone else felt like this and then just did it anyway? Is it awesome after you get started?


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Not intimidated by the program you speak of, but starting CrossFit... Then just did it, and still doing it and loving it. Everyday I get a little anxious over the Workouts, but once I'm in the thick of it - just love it.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I'm a 42 year old mom and workaholic. And I did. Today, I just happen to be wearing the t-shirt I got after sending in my before & after pictures. :happy:

    It's not so bad because the videos are only 1/2 hour or so the first month. You work up to the longer videos in the second month. You are doing it in the comfort of your own home, so if you can't do as many push-ups as they do, or if you can't do them as deeply, who will know but you? And don't forget to take before/after pictures. , measurements, and the fit tests. It's fun to see your progress.

  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    :drinker: I was a bit intimidated too. Just start one step at a time. Have an instructor help you though the weight training cirucut a few times and then you can go from there. If you belong to a gym you can get help. You can keep track of your weight training on mfp as well.
    Also for strength training you might want to try pilaties, yoga or even tai chai. Because to stretch those muscles so you don't end up sore. Lots of people are doing strength training and it's okay to fell a bit strange about it. Then when you do the strength training you will know your limits. You maybe surprised as to how much you can really do. I was when I first started an that helped my physicy Hope this helps.

    Your fellow mfp friend
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I really need to get more strength training into my regular routine and I keep wanting to do Insanity, but I am just really intimidated by it. It looks so hard! I'm sure I can do it, little by little and get better over time, but it looks really hard. What happens if I injure myself just starting out and then I can't exercise at all for awhile?

    Has anyone else felt like this and then just did it anyway? Is it awesome after you get started?

    I was doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred to sort of gear up for Insanity. I have been walking/running regularly for about 6 weeks now, and started the shred Sept 1. Yesterday I decided to say screw it and just start Insanity. I want results and I needed to stop putting it off or I'll never lose the weight. So today was day 2. The workouts are 40 minutes with about 10 minutes total of stretching (after the warm up and then at the end) and lots of 30 sec water breaks. IT IS HARD and it is kicking my butt, however, I feel awesome after doing it! It's such a great workout and it's hard but I'm hoping to see awesome results in just 60 days. I say go for it...we can help each other through it! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I'm a 42 year old mom and workaholic. And I did. Today, I just happen to be wearing the t-shirt I got after sending in my before & after pictures. :happy:

    It's not so bad because the videos are only 1/2 hour or so the first month. You work up to the longer videos in the second month. You are doing it in the comfort of your own home, so if you can't do as many push-ups as they do, or if you can't do them as deeply, who will know but you? And don't forget to take before/after pictures. , measurements, and the fit tests. It's fun to see your progress.


    Awesome...what an inspiration you are. And such great progress you've had! CONGRATS!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I really need to get more strength training into my regular routine and I keep wanting to do Insanity, but I am just really intimidated by it. It looks so hard! I'm sure I can do it, little by little and get better over time, but it looks really hard. What happens if I injure myself just starting out and then I can't exercise at all for awhile?

    Has anyone else felt like this and then just did it anyway? Is it awesome after you get started?

    It's definitely a challenging program and the only real way to modify it is to stop and take mini-breaks (which is what I did and what every single person in the workouts do). It's most definitely not a workout for beginners. I had planned to start it when it released last July, but I was frightened to death that I wasn't fit enough, so I did another two rounds of P90X before finally doing my 60 days in January and February of this past year.

    I'm glad I committed to it and finished the program. I did get into great cardiovascular shape and my core leaned out quite a bit. I don't see myself doing another 60 straight days of the program again (for a variety of reasons), though I appreciate the program immensely for what it is and how fit it can get people.

    There are a lot of people out there that have created really good hybrid programs utilizing Insanity 3 days/week for cardio, and then using other programs such as P90X or ChaLean Extreme for the strength training component. Insanity, though, is definitely NOT a program that focuses on strength training.
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    Thank you all so much for your input. I'm really still undecided about it. Actually, I know I will do it one of these days, but I think I may wait a few more months. I think I'm going to start doing Chalean Extreme this week...we'll see. Until I get that one, I'm going to keep doing the couple of Pilates DVDs I have. I know I'll get to where I want to be one way or another!
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