C25K - Having the Confidence To Get Out There?



  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I have tried several versions of it, and am currently trying the c25k app by zen labs.

    I like doing the program (regardless of what version) because I don't have to watch the clock and can zone out both during the walk and run until I hear the chime then zone out again. I have cut time from my 5k speed but never fully run one or finished a c25k program, but that is because I get several weeks in and get sick, take a few weeks off, and then don't want to start where I left off.

    I'm liking the app I'm using this time better than some other versions for several reasons including it will connect to mfp and upload 2 cardio exercises each showing amount of time you spent running and the amount you spent walking and your (estimated) calorie burn. However, it uses 4.0 and 5.2 as your speeds. I didn't realize that was the walking/running speeds "you were supposed to use" until after the first time I completed a training with them linked, several runs into it.
  • honeybeeses
    honeybeeses Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much for replying guys.

    Ultimately I looked at photos of myself when I weighed 280lbs and I just got out there. It was an awesome feeling running around and I really surprised myself - I'm quite overweight and I just quit cigarettes 3 weeks ago so I expected to be a total mess, but I wasn't. I'm feeling so pumped right now, I actually can't wait until day 2.

    Edit: I also concluded that a support bra will be a good investment, haha.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thanks so much for replying guys.

    Ultimately I looked at photos of myself when I weighed 280lbs and I just got out there. It was an awesome feeling running around and I really surprised myself - I'm quite overweight and I just quit cigarettes 3 weeks ago so I expected to be a total mess, but I wasn't. I'm feeling so pumped right now, I actually can't wait until day 2.

    Edit: I also concluded that a support bra will be a good investment, haha.
    I'm so happy for you! Definitely invest in a good sports bra, probably 2 or 3 of them, really. I now own more sports bras than I do "regular" ones. :laugh: Some women find they need to wear two at a time to get really good support if the girls are larger than average. You also don't want to have to wash it every other day so you can wear it again for the next run.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I run outside, too. I'm on Week 4 of C25K and I run verrrryyyy slowly. I'm also officially obese, and I run in extremely old workout gear (nothing gross, but I don't have any money for new workout gear). Today, I had on an old sweatshirt and pants that were probably close to 8 years old.

    I live in Hollywood, CA. There are always gorgeous people jogging in my neighborhood, so I was a bit embarrassed when I started. Today, at the end of my run, I was sweaty, my face was red, and I was huffing and puffing. Up ahead of me, I saw a woman who was probably half my size, in Lululemon gear, and fancy running shoes. It looked like she was about to start her workout. As we passed each other, both of us with headphones on, she smiled and nodded to me. It seemed like she was saying, "good job!"

    So what I'm saying is, yes, people might see you. And if they notice what you're doing, they'll probably think, "she's awesome! Good for her!" And if they're not thinking that, well then they're jerks, and who cares what they think? :wink:
  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 265 Member
    ...However, it uses 4.0 and 5.2 as your speeds. I didn't realize that was the walking/running speeds "you were supposed to use" until after the first time I completed a training with them linked, several runs into it.
    I'm so glad you posted that. I just downloaded the app and plan to use it today after work, but I was wondering what speeds it considered walking and running. Thanks!
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I am with you Honeybees. My decision to change my lifestyle started with an exercise session with my brother around the neighborhood where my mother lives. A run, with mixed total body stuff, finished with more running. I could just picture myself looking so foolish while people were out in their yards. We went out, and it was just like I thought it would be. Cars drove by, we got heckled once, and I was struggling at the end. My overwhelming conviction? See me again in a couple months and take note of the changes. Wait a bit longer and see me change even more. What started as me heaving through less than a mile, saw me complete a milestone last week of a 2 mile trail run.

    Push yourself, challenge yourself, and let no one bring you down. It's more than enough we have to overcome ourselves, we don't need to let people add to that burden.
  • putdownthebiscuit
    putdownthebiscuit Posts: 15 Member
    If you're concerned that people will be "staring" because you're larger and running, take a look at this post. It's very motivating and give s great perspective on getting out there and just doing it. I'm starting my Couch 2 5K training next week and this definitely gave me an extra boost!
