First 10 Pounds down!! But... could use some advice

Funny, I feel as though I've hit a mini goal I didn't realize I had when I weighed myself this morning. For the first time, I actually saw the fruits of my labor, if only in a small way. Very motivating!!

But, I could use a bit of advice. I've been using a run/walk routine every other day with the goal of working my way up to a full 30 minutes of running (couch to 5k program). That coupled with cleaning up what I eat has resulted in my first ten pounds of weight loss. The thing is, I've been extremely cautious about overdoing myself with excercise and I feel like I can and should be doing more. I am almost certain that the weight loss has been at least 70% due to the change in dietary habbits alone.

I've read recently that jumping (skipping) rope burns a lot of calories. Does anyone have experience with this exercise? Has jumping rope been effective for anyone reading this? Anyone use it as a regular part of their workout routine? I am thinking of incorporating it into two of my rest days so that I have some activity 5 days per week and still leave myself two days of rest. I am also not sure if jumping rope is smart in between run days as it could prohibit recovery.

Any advice/imput would be appreciated.