30 Day Squat Challenge



  • mamasjourneytofit
    So great to hear everyone is keeping up with it! I did the squat & plank for yesterday too!

    Definitely anyone male or female can participate. It's not really organized, just a place for people to check in and keep up their accountability (I know it need it, haha)
  • mamasjourneytofit
    Since today is day 7! I'm going to post the next week for anyone doing it along with me :)

    Day 8 - Rest
    Day 9 - 100 squats
    Day 10 - 105 squats
    Day 11 - 110 squats
    Day 12 - Rest
    Day 13 - 130 squats
    Day 14 - 135 squats

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • msxwilliams
    I just started the squat and plank challenges today! Can't wait to post results :) I hope you guys post yours too, I feel like a lot of people just give up half way through. Good Luck y'all!!!