Hi. I'm new here.. :)

Hi everyone. I'm new to MyFitnessPal and am in need of advice and encouragement.

I'm a serial carb junkie and am a sucker for junk food, but with some help from this site/app, I aim to make a whole lifestyle change for the sake of my health.

I am aiming, not to lose a specific amount of weight, but enough to notice a different in my health, energy levels, etc.

I am currently 15st and am hoping to lower my BMI by controlling my diet better and starting to exercise regularly (which I wasn't doing before).

If anyone wants to buddy up or offer advice, I'd be really grateful, as I always seem to lack in motivation.

Also, if anyone is currently taking Orlistat and can offer any advice on that, it would be a great help.

Thanks! :)

Mary x


  • Welcome feel free to add me
  • IrishGabriella
    IrishGabriella Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Mary, welcome to this great site. If you'd like add me as a friend feel free.
  • VeggieGal777
    VeggieGal777 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello & Welcome!
  • JayDavila
    JayDavila Posts: 146 Member
    I was a BIG carb and Junk food junkie, I mean there was times I would wake up at 2-3am with the thirst for pepsi, Everyday I had either Chinese buffet, Mcdonalds, Pizza, etc. I used to eat like you wouldn't believe. I was always active with MMA so it never was a real problem. Until all the activities stopped, working at a desk and going home to sit in front of a tv started to catch up with me.
    I gained 50lbs. Now I'm not a tall guy so it showed very quick. Not to mention I'd be out of breath just walking the dog with my wife.

    I made the decision to start with the soda/pop, I stopped drinking that and saw a loss of about 4-5 lbs. I was surprised. Started eating a lot less of the foods I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't stop cold turkey but definitely saw changes the more I ate less of the bad foods.. Eventually it got to the point that when I did eat too much of what I shouldnt my body didnt feel right. Kinda gave you that feeling of WOW shouldnt have ate that..

    Long story short from 190 to my current 164lbs it took time, I still have a ways to go, but its doable. Understand that it's going to take time,it's going to take your honesty to your goals. You'll see results. I know you said you dont have a set amount you want to lose but I think you should start with small goals. I say this because I notice with small steps/goals that you accomplish- they help you see result. You might go a few week and not see a difference but if you check your weight you might have lost 2-5 lbs. Trust me it helps knowing that your going in the right direction even if you cant see it physically.

    Good luck and feel free to add me.
    That goes for anyone reading this. I have no problem helping and learning from people. I am a fit bit user as well.

  • Hi guys and girls :) thanks for the support.

    Yeah, great tip, Jay! I have lost 3lbs in 16 days so far. So my first goal is gonna be the 5lb marker. Then set myself another 5lbs, then another. Hopefully, it will give me the little boosts I need to keep going when I reach them.

    I have cut out all fizzy drinks also, and despite the initial drop in energy from my sugar buzz, I'm getting used to drinking just water and fresh homemade fruit juices.

    I have started aiming to do around 30mins exercise a day, whereas before I wasn't doing any. Then as my fitness increases, so will the type/length of exercise.

    Good luck with reaching all of your targets, everyone! :) We will get there eventually! And well done to everyone for all the progress you have already made!

    Mary x