Let me introduce myself...

My name is Ashleigh, I like beer, food & to be a little lazy in my downtime (which I get very little of). I am 30 years old & so very tired of where my current weight is... I am ready for a new look & believe I can do it this year. I've just got an amazing promotion at work, purchased a home, and am getting rid of a lot of debt! With certain parts of my life getting put together I feel it is now time for my health to be the next thing on this list to mark off.

I have an incredibly large circle of friends, and I wouldn't change that for anything; however, it makes getting my work-outs in much harder & when we all get together drinks, and amazing food is typically involved. So.... You can see where my problems are!

As of 2/1 I've started a 365 miles in a year promise to myself. I want most of these miles to be running miles, because that is the thing I by far hate the most, but let's face it running is quick!! 2-3 miles can be done in 30 minutes. I'm currently 4 miles down with 361 to go by next January. I need encouragement with my journey, and I know I'll get there!!!! It is one step at a time.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this. Wish me luck getting back to my goal weight of 140!!!


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Good luck!

    Just focus on staying on track and make it work to still have fun with friends without going over! :drinker:

    I am a runner so feel free to add me if you need support/encouragement :smile:
  • Ashleigh, just remember, one foot in front of the other always works for me. even in the rough times
  • Best of luck Ashleigh ! You WILL do it because you've got the right frame of mind , support and sounds like you're already off to a great start ! Maybe start with a virgin drink while you're out with friends but still treat yourself once and a while !
  • demetric55
    demetric55 Posts: 3 Member
    the first step is always the hardest step! just stay focused on the reason why you started and you will be fine! just keep in mind to enjoy life every now and then. you dont completely have to cut out all the temptation foods. just dont overdo it and keep it controlled. you will be fine, there is a huge support group on here that will help you stay committed!