I am confused...

Ok, I am sorry if this has been asked 1 million times before, but can some one please explain the whole eating the calories burned thing?

I read the newbies please read thread and I don't really understand it well. I am new to dieting and exercise so I don't really know. I know in order to burn one pound a week you need to cut 500 calories per day between diet and exercise. So with that being said, if I burn 300 extra calories by exercising, I have to eat it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of working out? Thanks in advance!


  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Normally, if you weren't on this site that would be correct. However, when you set up your profile and told MFP how much you wanted to drop a week, it figured that out for you. It is building in a calorie deficit. Example: I told it I wanted to lose 1lb a week. It told me I needed 1290 calories a day. Now if I check my BMR (what I need just to maintain) it says 1790...therefore MFP dropped me down. It's ok to be a little under, but yes, in general, you need to eat at least some of your exercise calories or your metabolism may slow down.
  • Normally, if you weren't on this site that would be correct. However, when you set up your profile and told MFP how much you wanted to drop a week, it figured that out for you. It is building in a calorie deficit. Example: I told it I wanted to lose 1lb a week. It told me I needed 1290 calories a day. Now if I check my BMR (what I need just to maintain) it says 1790...therefore MFP dropped me down. It's ok to be a little under, but yes, in general, you need to eat at least some of your exercise calories or your metabolism may slow down.

    Nobody has ever explained this about MFP calculations before ... And it makes sense .... But after some deep and lengthy research into my BMR, BMI, LBM, and TDEE, and then calculating my TDEE. I found the MFP calculations to be wrong anyway ... Even based on them figuring in the 500 cal subtraction. I love this site, but I do have some problems with the cals burned for activities, as well as, TDEE cals calculated. Thanks for explaining that though ... I really had no clue that the subtraction was figured in before MFP gave me my cal intake/day.