Trying a few natural sweetener options

Being someone with a very sweet tooth I have to admit to being somewhat reliant on artificial sweeteners like Splenda, Canderel, Truvia, and all the rest. I don't feel I'm able to cut out this habit entirely but I'm determined to make a change.

So, after reading up on the various "natural" options for sweeteners I've ordered some small amounts of the following from a local heath food store to check my preferences: Organic date syrup, coconut palm sugar, natural Stevia extract, blackstrap molasses syrup, organic maple syrup, raw honey, and unrefined molasses sugar.

I love dates and as date syrup has had some good things said about it I'm hoping this one will suit me the most.
I kind of thought that the increased calorie hit coupled with the higher cost would help me to focus on cutting back when adding extra sweetness to things.

I'd appreciate others views on their experience with these natural products (if they truly are natural) and also any concerns?