Too many Fruits?

Can A person eat too many fruits? I seriously eat an apple, orange, grapefruit and a banana everyday. That is my breakfast/lunch! is this bad for me?


  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Can A person eat too many fruits? I seriously eat an apple, orange, grapefruit and a banana everyday. That is my breakfast/lunch! is this bad for me?

    NHS recommends 5 portions of fruit and veg each day. EU recommends more, so I don't think your 4 portions of fruit is excessive. I would recommend you get some fresh vegetables too, in addition to fruit.

    Then again, I am neither a doctor nor a dentist! If you're concerned, check with your doctor.
  • monikagiesbrecht
    monikagiesbrecht Posts: 194 Member
    Can A person eat too many fruits? I seriously eat an apple, orange, grapefruit and a banana everyday. That is my breakfast/lunch! is this bad for me?

    NHS recommends 5 portions of fruit and veg each day. EU recommends more, so I don't think your 4 portions of fruit is excessive. I would recommend you get some fresh vegetables too, in addition to fruit.

    Then again, I am neither a doctor nor a dentist! If you're concerned, check with your doctor.

    Thank you! I do try vegetables, however I stray away from them because I do not like them without Dressing and i want to keep away from that!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can A person eat too many fruits? I seriously eat an apple, orange, grapefruit and a banana everyday. That is my breakfast/lunch! is this bad for me?

    NHS recommends 5 portions of fruit and veg each day. EU recommends more, so I don't think your 4 portions of fruit is excessive. I would recommend you get some fresh vegetables too, in addition to fruit.

    Then again, I am neither a doctor nor a dentist! If you're concerned, check with your doctor.

    Thank you! I do try vegetables, however I stray away from them because I do not like them without Dressing and i want to keep away from that!

    Try veggies lots and lots of different ways.....steamed, roasted, stir fried, grilled, raw. Try them with different spices. Veggies offer so many nutrients.

    You will get used to them.....some you will actually like. Dip raw veggies in hummus. Make a dressing with greek yogurt & dry salad dressing (or soup) mix.

    Are you getting enough protein & fats? long as fruits (and veggies) aren't taking up so many calories (or making you so full) that you can't take in protein &'re ok.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Can A person eat too many fruits? I seriously eat an apple, orange, grapefruit and a banana everyday. That is my breakfast/lunch! is this bad for me?

    Yes, Fructose causes obesity, Taubes and Lustig say so
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Keep in mind that you also need protein and dietary fat. If your fruit intake is interfering with hitting those numbers then it's probably too much.

    I'd also recommend getting more veg than fruit can cook them any number of ways and use any variety of dips and whatnot for raw. I generally dip mine in hummus. I pretty much eat 2 servings of fruit to 6 servings of veg per day.

    Also, salad dressing isn't necessarily a bad thing...there are certain nutrients in vegetables that are fat soluble which means they need dietary fat for your body to absorb them...thus a good olive oil based vinaigrette is an excellent choice for your just have to keep the servings under control to keep the calories under control. 20-30% of your dietary intake should come in the form of dietary is an essential macro-nutrient and necessary for nutrient absorption, hormonal balance, proper brain function, nervous system function, etc.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For me it would be way too much, there's no way I'd eat enough protein with so much fruit. I actually barely touch fruit anymore because of the lack of protein.