DVD stretching segments

I do several different workout videos, I change every month actually. I repeatedly have trouble with the stretching segments more than any of the other moves. Especially Jillian stretches but most of the others as well. Does anyone else have this problem and does it get better? Been at this awhile now and while my balance and all else has improved, not feeling any more stretchy.


  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Stretch more often... you'll get stretchier, I promise.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I actually don't find my flexibility improving with the shorter stretching segments. At the end of each workout, I like to do an extended 10 minute stretch and a 40 minute flexibility session once a week. My flexibility has improved so much more since doing that. It makes things so much easier. If you're not feeling stretchy enough (which I totally get) maybe try getting an extra bit of stretch in at the end. Right after your workout is best since your body is still warm. Youtube is a great place to find short stretching videos for free. After a while doing that, I bet you'll see so much improvement.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks! I will try more stretching. They touch their toes, I can reach just below my knees. they lock their hands and put them behind their head and I have to put my chin in my chest to do this. They lay their chests on the ground between their knees...I don't even get close!
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Please don't stress if you are not as stretchy as other people. I do aikido, and we had a fairly flexible 7th dan teach a special class last week. There is lots of stretching in our warm ups and she reminded us that the important thing is that we are stretching, not necessarily how far we can go. Everyone has a different starting point and some people are just more flexible naturally. Of course always try to improve on it, but don't feel 'bad' if you can touch your toes.