craving fast food.



  • stormyxpony
    stormyxpony Posts: 157 Member
    ^^ok. So what do I eat tonight :(? I posted above on the choices.
  • suuta
    suuta Posts: 23 Member
    Why not split an order with someone or do what I do: burn to earn. Eat light that day or spend some extra time at the gym (elliptical is great for eating away calories).

    Just keep in mind that although you are going to celebrate your mom, ultimately you are what you eat. Why would you want to be junk? Next time try finding a restaurant that has a healthier menu and encourage your family to go there instead. Face it, fast food goes against your goal of eating healthy but it also does a disservice to the people you are going with. If you love them, encourage them to get healthy too! And if they supported you they would agree.

    I love going to Chenoys, it's a restaurant near my gym that is open 24/7. But I always go with my sister or my friend Jay, so when we get there we order something like the rib'n'steak or the shrimp'n'chicken. I'll have the shrimp, they'll have the chicken and we split the sides. Baked potato rather than fries (plain with the sour cream/butter/etc on the side), steamed veggies, and salad (dressing on the side, cause face it, restaurants always put too much on) And it cuts the calorie content in half.