Navy Wife Looking to Get Fit!

pwurtz1231 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I've been on the site since August 8, 2010, but I've been putting off my introduction until I was ready! I'm 27 yrs old, a musician and former band director from North Carolina and now living in Hawaii, just got married a little over 8 months ago to a Navy man. He's currently on deployment and I wanted to get fit while he was gone. He's been gone a few months and I couldn't get the motivation I needed to start losing weight until I went to a doctor appointment at the end of July. The news I got shocked me into finally doing something about my weight. I have been losing weight since June 2009, when I got engaged, but it was 10 pounds over 6 months, and when I moved to Hawaii, I lost another 10 lbs in 7 months. I wanted to do more though. At my doc appointment, I was told I have hypothyroidism, which wouldn't have helped my weight, and I'm also pre-diabetic and have high cholesterol. I have diabetic relatives on both sides of my family, and I've always told myself I didn't want to get it. Well, this was a shocker to me, so I joined this site. A friend of mine has been using the site to help with losing baby weight from having twins. When I finally decided to make a change, I chose this site because she's had success with keeping up with calories and exercise.

So, since August 8, 2010, I've lost almost 9 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 lbs before my husband comes home from deployment, which will be soon. Right now, I'm on track for that goal. :) This site has changed my opinion on food. I've stopped being an emotional eater because I feel soooo guilty when I go over my calories! Being a new military wife dealing with our first deployment, that's saying a lot. The stress has been ridiculous, but I've had to focus on this to get started, and it's helped. My husband has been so supportive, even though he's on a submarine and not able to be as involved as he wants. My new friends (all Navy wives on the island) have been extra supportive, some of them making sure I watch myself when we're out.

So, that's who I am. I've been having some motivation problems the past couple weeks, so any words of encouragement are welcomed! Good luck everyone on reaching your goals!


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome to a great site. Since you've been here for a little while you know how great the tools are to help with your weight loss. Just chart everything that passes your lips and move a little every day, Best of luck.
  • karmadoo
    karmadoo Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Pam! You can do it, hang in there!
  • sunshine4me
    sunshine4me Posts: 69 Member
    I grew up Navy! Loved it! I think it's great that you want to do this for your husband, but mainly for yourself. My husband is in a different industry but it will be six months since I have seen him so.... I can relate to long deployments!! Ad me as a friend! I would love to help you on your journey!
  • Hi Pam!

    I just got on this about a week ago when my older daughter brought our first grandchild home for a visit. She loves the site and I find it very user friendly! I've done several other plans before & WW was the best--but I can't see going to a group setting when I know I can do it--hence the MOTIVATION!

    Well my youngest daughter just went to Navy Boot Camp and I'm wanting to loose 20 by PIR (graduation) and I'm on target! Plus knowing my health status I need to get healthier to be around for my granddaughter! And any future grandchildren!

    I'm hoping to lose at least 50 lbs. And I have a couple friends doing it with me. They are paying for the food & I'm doing the cooking & portion controls!

    I found personally that LOGGING my food is what keeps me on track! Good luck!
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