Any healthy cleanse/detox suggestions?

I've been really stressed lately and my weight has come to a halt. I feel I've been more bloated recently and I had someone suggest I do a cleanse or detox. I'm not looking for anything crazy like the Master Cleanse. Does anyone know of a basic cleanse or detox that'll eliminate some bloat as well as relieve some stress?


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Mr Kidney and Mrs Liver will do a fine job, as long as you look after them with a healthy diet and adequate exercise :smile:
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    ^^ I think what he is trying to say is that there really isn't any need to do anything like this -- there is no cleansing or detoxing to be done. Just drink water if you think you are retaining water and eat a balanced diet in moderation. That's pretty much it.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Go potty. :tongue: Your body does a great job of cleansing itself, so there's not need to do anything as drastic as a cleanse or detox. If I am feeling a bit heavy in the tummy, I just eat a few more fruits and veggies and drink my water. And make sure you're getting all your fiber. That did wonders as far as how I felt once I started tracking it.
  • SouthernMommy11
    I loved the Advocare Herbal Cleanse. Absolutely loved it. I felt like it took away all my bloat and 6 pounds. It's only 10 days and I think around $35 bucks.
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    Finally an answer related to my post!
    I wasn't asking for any drastic crazy detox to completely clean my body in a week
    I'm not looking to lose weight in a detox
    I'm looking for ways to eliminate some stress and bloat
    Thanks for the suggestion
    I think I'll head to the store tomorrow and grab tons of fruits and veggies and try to really limit any fatty foods for a couple of days. That way my body will naturally clean itself without added chemicals or any drastic changes.
    I've recently tried drinking water I just need to remember to.

    So thanks again
    I'll continue with my workout regime and try to stick to a mostly fruit and veggie as well as high amounts of water for a couple of days.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    ^^ I think what he is trying to say is that there really isn't any need to do anything like this -- there is no cleansing or detoxing to be done. Just drink water if you think you are retaining water and eat a balanced diet in moderation. That's pretty much it.

    This. There's nothing to cleanse or detox. If you're feeling bloated, you're likely retaining water. That can easily be fixed by staying well-hydrated and keeping your sodium levels in check. :smile:
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you I'll check it out. Anything all natural and healthy for my body is what I'm interested in
    The cleanse includes loads of fiber which is awesome
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    have a look at ths site

    ts got some good ideas

    I hope this helps
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Your best beat would be to try and find the source of your bloated feeling. Have a look at what you ate on days you felt more bloated and see if there is a common factor.

    Lots of pasta and white bread could be the cause, but not necessarily.
  • SouthernMommy11
    I'm not sure why people are against small cleanses like you said you wanted? Drastic juice cleanses that lead to starving to yourself aren't healthy at all but I loved my cleanse. Lots of fiber and vitamins. I felt great.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I'm not sure why people are against small cleanses like you said you wanted? Drastic juice cleanses that lead to starving to yourself aren't healthy at all but I loved my cleanse. Lots of fiber and vitamins. I felt great.

    The terms "cleanse" and "detox" are synonymous with "scam". These products represent the worst in the health and fitness industry. They are the bottom feeders -- figuratively and literally.

    The concept of a "cleanse" is fundamentally dishonest. It is a "cure" for a "problem" that doesn't exist--that cannot exist. The body does not need to be " cleansed". Your kidneys filter your entire blood supply at least two times a minute at rest. The liver is an amazing, complex organ that does a fabulous job of "cleansing".

    I know that the concept of a "cleanse" has a powerful emotional appeal for some people, but it has no basis in fact.
  • ryah1269
    Some suggestions: see a massage therapist who does lymphatic drainage massage, you also should be drinking plenty of water. Some people fast. I do all if this and a detox bath which u can google and find a recipe you like.
  • bradXdale
    Please don't buy into any of these MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Schemes.

    Your body came with a kidney & liver and I assume they are both in healthy functioning order.

    I also assume you poop & peeregularly.

    If you do not have any problems pooping, peeing or any kidney/liver problems your body is getting rid of 'toxins" and 'cleansing' itself.

    Drink a gallon or more of water a day. Eat foods high in SOLUBLE fiber. Also I try to stay away from dairy when I'm feeling bloated (it helps me, may not help you). Also make sure you are eating good foods I used to have HORRIBLE burping & stomach cramping / bloated / etc. The GI thought I had Crohn's, Celiac, etc. Turned out that I had a stomach full of ulcers. Instead of throwing your money at these companies with psuedo-science backed studies just eat real food!

    Also ever since I've been eating yogurt that has live bacteria "probiotics" once or twice a day I no longer belch and have indigestion issues. I've learned to be calm, relaxed and to take care of my body and I've felt great ever since.

    Another tip if you feel like you're bloated try drinking green tea (raw, no sugar added) or black coffee (unless you have a caffeine sensitivity). They are natural diuretics that will make you do the pee pee dance!

    Hope this helps and I hope us who know better have saved your money from getting caught up in the whimsical MLM bull crap that exists and burns holes in peoples pocket books.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member

    Also ever since I've been eating yogurt that has live bacteria "probiotics" once or twice a day I no longer belch and have indigestion issues.

    "Probiotics" are also good to keep you pooping regularly. I make kefir, which is similar to yoghurt.

    But yeah, I repeat my advice to work out what it is that is making you feel bloated.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Does anyone know of a basic cleanse or detox that'll eliminate some bloat as well as relieve some stress?

    Yoga and meditation, followed by a glass of red wine and a few strawberries dipped in chocolate.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Drink water.

    Eat healthy.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    AV Spam Job

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Bloated? Drink more water. Save yourself unnecessary money on a fake "cleanse" that will basically tell you to drink a lot of water.