How much do I look like i weigh?



  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    I have been working out every day for the last like 2 weeks.. and i loose weight relatively quick because i don't eat bad food. i don't feel like i look 142 but whenever my mom sees the scale she flips. I mean it makes me self conscious and i do want to loose weight but I'm not sure how much. i guess thats more my question. she wants me to be 135 and maybe thats good, but i want to look fit not anorexic. and i have told her to stay out of it, but she gets all crazy she chased me around the house with a scale one time lol. its funny now but I'm a little confused on how i look because of her..
    first of all, I've suffered with anorexia for the past 5 years, and you shouldn't say things like "look anorexic". anorexia is a mental disorder with a higher mortality rate than any other mental illness and not just the state of being thin.

    secondly, there's lots of good advice on here but the main thing you should take away from this is that it's YOUR body, not your mother's. if you work out a lot, then your body weight is probably higher than you think you look because of muscle mass, but we're not going to change your mind if you aren't happy. as someone who suffers from disordered eating, I really think you need to not focus on arbitrary numbers like weight and pay more attention to treating your body with care i.e. carry on eating well and exercising and not pushing yourself too far.
  • Well i try to weigh by myself but she always is like "lets weigh and see where your at" she's just so obsessed with how i look. and she's probably the same weight as me. i don't get it. i mean my boyfriend loves how i look and i know he means it. but I'm not confident or happy with myself because I'm just so confused. she tells me that he won't tell me how i really look because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings which could be true. but she had a good point that he's a year older than me and when he goes to college there will be so many gorgeous skinny girls. i want to look better but i have no clue how much to loose.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You look fine and healthy. If you feel good, healthy and fit and look good in clothes, then why would your mum say you need to lose 10lbs. It's not like you're overweight.

    I always look lighter than I actually am. My personal trainer was always surprised by my weight. So I've learned to worry more about how I feel, body fat percentage, and the size of my clothes! Before I got pregnant I was 154lbs at 5'6 and wearing a US size 6/8.
  • Im sorry, i didn't think about the whole anorexic thing. I didn't mean it in any bad way. i just mean i don't want too look unhealthy..
  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    Im sorry, i didn't think about the whole anorexic thing. I didn't mean it in any bad way. i just mean i don't want too look unhealthy..
    oh, I know! I'm sorry for snapping, I know you didn't say it intentionally but it's a harmful thing and a lot of people say it as a synonym for thin. like I said, your body is yours and it's the only one you'll ever have so just continue to treat it well and stay healthy. the best piece of advice I can give you is to not care what others think of your body. you shouldn't lose weight for anyone - not your mother, not your boyfriend, nobody. if you allow yourself to be swayed by what they think, then it's an endless slope where you compare yourself to everybody around you and eventually to the unattainable VS/runway models. you're healthy, you work out and you eat well so you have nothing to worry about.
  • Thank you to be honest I don't think I will ever be content with myself. So i guess thats why I listen so much to other people, because if they think i look good then I must.. I'm not sure. its weird
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    she tells me that he won't tell me how i really look because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings which could be true

    This is an absolutely horrid and untrue thing for your mother to say. I am so sorry!
    My father did similar things to me about my looks and its taken years for me to come to terms with the fact these were his issues not mine. Please know if someone says something like that to you they do not have your best interests at heart. You are 18, start standing up for yourself and set some boundaries with her about what is ok and what is not, it will help you build your self-esteem. Btw in answer to your original question you have a lovely healthy body, you should be proud :flowerforyou:
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Well i try to weigh by myself but she always is like "lets weigh and see where your at" she's just so obsessed with how i look. and she's probably the same weight as me. i don't get it. i mean my boyfriend loves how i look and i know he means it. but I'm not confident or happy with myself because I'm just so confused. she tells me that he won't tell me how i really look because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings which could be true. but she had a good point that he's a year older than me and when he goes to college there will be so many gorgeous skinny girls. i want to look better but i have no clue how much to loose.

    I think you need to set some boundaries. Her making you stand on the scale is fckng outrageous, particularly if she's then using this an an opportunity to criticise you and then put doubt in your head about your relationship. Tell her where to go, that your weight is your issue, and you don't think it's any of her business. Because it's not. This is your thing, not hers, and what you are describing is really destructive to your self-esteem.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Tell your mum that know that you are 18 your weight is non of her beeswax, and to stay out of it.

    Or move out of home.
  • I know.. I have been standing up for myself lately.. but i don't feel good about myself anymore.. my younger sister is just like my mom when she gets mad at me she calls me really mean things that have to do with my being overweight. so i guess i always feel like i am overweight because why would she say that otherwise
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I know.. I have been standing up for myself lately.. but i don't feel good about myself anymore.. my younger sister is just like my mom when she gets mad at me she calls me really mean things that have to do with my being overweight. so i guess i always feel like i am overweight because why would she say that otherwise

    Don't you listen to that bull****.
  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    yeh, I know all about unsupportive parents - I moved out at 16.

    thanks to the amount of importance our society places on body image, it's hard to not compare and scrutinise yourself against other people. self-acceptance is something you need to work on to attain but it's worth it; eventually you won't care what others think of you.
  • Its just hard not too. I mean I really genuinely want to feel better about myself because so many things go back to how i feel about myself. I am really scared to go on this cruise in a month because i know i will look bad, and i avoid the pool. I mean I always feel bad about myself. i feel overweight but I'm not sure if i am.. its weird but i literally don't even know
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    I got about 40-45 lbs on you and I'm the same height. If anyone says I'm too heavy all I can say is IDGAF LOL
  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    I know.. I have been standing up for myself lately.. but i don't feel good about myself anymore.. my younger sister is just like my mom when she gets mad at me she calls me really mean things that have to do with my being overweight. so i guess i always feel like i am overweight because why would she say that otherwise

    Don't you listen to that bull****.
    she says it because she knows it'll hurt your feelings! I used to get called fat at 5'4 and 129lbs and I believed them! I now know that clearly wasn't true and people just do it to be spiteful. besides, fat isn't the worst thing a person can be. I'd rather be overweight than a horrible person. you're healthy and strong.
  • I don't know if me loosing 10 lbs will make me feel better about my self. I would only feel better because my mom and others would probably compliment me
  • At 5'5" a good weight goal is a range between 110-140, and if you are athletic, you may weigh more but still be in great physical condition. I am 5'4" and 1/2; at 146 I am too heavy and would like to be about 130-135, but I decided it was unrealistic. When I weigh 130 I am very small for my body type and its hard to maintain that. I can't eat what I like, and I like sugar. So 135-136 is where I am heading this time but your number could be lower or higher depending of your lifestyle and still be within the 'healthy' range.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I know.. I have been standing up for myself lately.. but i don't feel good about myself anymore.. my younger sister is just like my mom when she gets mad at me she calls me really mean things that have to do with my being overweight. so i guess i always feel like i am overweight because why would she say that otherwise

    Don't you listen to that bull****.
    she says it because she knows it'll hurt your feelings! I used to get called fat at 5'4 and 129lbs and I believed them! I now know that clearly wasn't true and people just do it to be spiteful. besides, fat isn't the worst thing a person can be. I'd rather be overweight than a horrible person. you're healthy and strong.

  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    You look like you weigh exactly how much you should.

    It also sounds like you are comfortable in your own skin and it's really your mom thats pushing you...tell her to stoppit, she's giving you a complex.

    The scale means nothing compared to what you see in the mirror.

    If you want to work out do it for yourself not for your mom.
  • stanleypoobrick
    stanleypoobrick Posts: 71 Member
    I don't think 10lbs would make much of a difference anyway. I'm 5'4" and 110lbs and, honestly, we don't look that different. your body will hold weight differently to everyone else, so there's no use comparing it.