Not losing any more weight...

I've been tracking my food and exercise every day since mid-April. At the end of the day on the food log it says "If every day was like today.... you'd weigh XX in 5 weeks." Well, in my case it's almost 15 pounds off! Meaning that it's 15 pounds less than where I am! 5 weeks ago I was the same weight I am now. I seem to be stuck at my current weight, fluxuating a pound or two up and down. But I'd love to lose another 7 pounds or so. I exercise every day (at least 1 hours hard core every day, and 40 minute run on Sundays), and really watch what I eat (always below the recommended calorie intake). I don't know what else to do! It's frustrating seeing that message at the end of the day and not getting any closer to it! Any suggestions?


  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    I feel your pain because I seem to have similar problems although mine comes off goes on comes off etc etc Last week I started a low GI diet & have never eaten so much in my life!!!! I am down 1.8 lbs today after6 days following it so may be worth a try. My diary is open so have a look may help. Good luck & feel free to add me for support if you wish. May be worth exercing a little less or having a day off every 2 or 3 days as muscles can retain water after a workout & do keep an eye on your sodium.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Try switching your exercise routine to something different. You indicated you do "hard core" exercising every day and then running on the weekend, maybe using a different exercise or exercise routine might help. Instead of doing the same thing every day, vary your routines so your body is shaken up a bit by the change.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Eat more, do a different exercise, take a day or two off a week. Zig Zag your calories. Your body is in maintenance mode and is doing a effective job of keeping you at the weight your at
  • ysaidpie
    I have the same problem!! I keep wondering what I am doing wrong & everyday I am there faithfully weighing every morsel I put in my mouth, yet my weight has been going up and down on this same pound for the past month- despite my increase in exercise! I will try the tips other members have mentioned here & see what happens. Good luck- on the bright side- we aren't losing but atleast we aren't really gaining weight either!
  • qifitness
    qifitness Posts: 49 Member
    MFP is a terrific motivational tool, but the weight loss predictions are based on mathematics, not nature.

    Consider this.....

    If you were to have an average calorie deficit of 100 calories every day, that would be 365 days x 100 = 36500 calories, which is equivalent to a loss of just over 10lbs. in a year.

    Following this purely mathematical principle, if you weighed 140lbs and followed this 100 cals/day loss for 14 years......... theory, you'd disappear completely!

    Since this is nonsense, it shows how mathematical predictions don't take into account how nature really works.
    Unfortunately MFP's predictions seem to be based on this.