Knee Injury - Weight Training?

Hi all,

I went for a run last Saturday for the first time in ages (stoopid cardio :mad: ) and my knee has been sore since. From reading on the internet i think it is Iliotibial Band Syndrome. It;s the outside of my knee that's sore and it's mostly when walking downhill or down the stairs not up.

Anyway I'm a few weeks into Stronglifts 5x5 and don't want to stop but am thinking the squats, pendlay rows, etc will not do my knee any favours! Has anyone any advice or experience of this? Is it better to take a proper rest?

I can't really afford to go to a physio to get it looked at so am just trying to sort it myself.

Thanks for any replies!


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I run and do Stronglifts 5x5 as well

    I recommend two things:

    1. Take a break from exercise that will bother your knee (You caught the issue early on which is a good thing. Dont ignore it and allow it to get worse). If it does not get better soon borrow some money and see a doctor
    2. Join the group below. Many runners have suffered knee pain and may be able to offer some advice:

    In the long run strength training will help make you more resistant to injury. That said, be cautious now until you know for sure what is causing the pain.
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    I don't have experience with that particular injury, but about 15 years ago I blew out my ACL and LCL (the ligaments in the front and outside parts of the knee) at the same time.. Fast fwd through years of physical therapy/surgeries/replacement parts/subsequent injuries, and one of the biggest things I've learned in life is to NEVER take your knees for granted!

    Since you mentioned that you can't go get it checked, I'd suggest RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation - for a couple days, with emphasis on the rest.. If it still bothers you after about a week, *please* go get it looked at. More than anything else, just listen to it. It's better to take time off from your workouts than to push it before it's ready.

    When it does feel better, strength training helps a lot. I've gone from only being able to bend about 30 degrees to having a full range of motion for the first time in years thanks to squats & deadlifts :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    better to go to the doctor than seriously screw up your knee.
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm gonna totally rest it. No gym. Might try and swim though. I'm going to do RICE - rest, ice, compression and elevation. And if it's not better by Monday I'll go to a physio. Fingers crossed it heals quickly :smile:
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I injured my knee running in the wrong shoes about a month ago. After 2 weeks of pain and horrible limp, I went to see GP who diagnosed a sprain and said it would take 3-6 weeks to heal. She said I could do power walking but no running till pain is completely gone. Had a few days with no pain and went for a run in my correct trainers. I wore a knee wrap but after 2 miles started having some pain so stopped. I followed the advice above (rice) and the next day, my knee is better. Looks like I need some more healing time.

    I would try your lifting and see how your knee feels. Apply the "rice" therapy after even if you have no immediate pain just in case it comes on later.

    I suspect you may have done something similar to me. It may be worth a gait analysis when your knee heals. The right running shoes are key if you intend to run.

    I used to run in a neutral trainer but my weight was just too much. Had a gait analysis and found I needed a slightly corrective trainer. Best money ever spent, I love running. Then I lost about 80 more pounds and thought I could run in a neutral trainer again. My husband bought me these amazing, most colourful trainers. I went for a run and noticed my ankles kept clashing but kept going. 2 miles in, I was in agony. But I didn't listen to my body and continued, only because I needed to get home. I don't normally push myself like that. I'm really annoyed with myself for continuing on and it will never happen again.

    What I'm getting at is you really need the right running shoe, they do help with body mechanics.