I'm young...PRIME time to SHINE and look FABULOUS!

First thing I will admit...I'm a yo yo dieter! Maybe an extreme one. I am desperate to lose weight! I used to look good now I keep thinking...who hid the mirror recently??
My story...
I lost 3 stone in 2012 to go to Ibiza through a shake diet, consuming 5-600 calories per day and exercising or 1 hour. I lost the weight in 2 months. too fast! Then i went back to normal eating...weight piled on. Being 22 this is not good for my health!
I did the Cambridge plan at the start of 2013 during my last year at Uni...again i lost 2 and a half stone in about 12 weeks...maybe too fast again? I then hit depression and had a lot going on in my life so next thing you know I am a stone heavier than I started!
Now 2014, I have been researching healthy ways to lose weight, loosing 1 - 2 pounds per week is my goal!
I am exercising sensibly, allowing myself a treat (so I don't gorge at every chance!) and I am wanting to find support from anyone who wants to lose the weight for good like me!
Obviously we all fluctuate..a few pounds here and there but it shouldn't be stone!
I've doe a lot of research into losing weight, the correct gym sessions (so we don't spend our life there!) and how to have a positive attitude.
I am the person with the BEST motivation at the start! I then lose some weight, get confident and then lose the motivation. With shake diets before I found my life was on hold..no dinners with the boyfriend (he was always eating alone), No drinks out with friends, I made excuses for everything till I wanted to get to a weight to be seen out in public.
I felt if I looked thin...I'd be confident in everything. Truth is, confidence comes with happiness. Something we all need to learn.
Moving in with my boyfriend also made me gain 'that 10 pounds', he is used to eating large portions and a lot of carbs..he has a very athletic figure! The difference is between us is he can eat a chocolate bar and gain nothing, I can look at a chocolate bar and gain a pound! I'm sure we have all felt like this!!
He is great at supporting but sometimes he forgets we can't always eat the same foods!
I know everything about diets but why can I not apply myself to losing weight for good? I do like exercise, I do like eating healthy but I have the worst little daemons on my shoulder telling me to buy that cake when I really really don't want or need it!
I want to become a health and fitness Guru! My family say I know so much about health and fitness...so why am I overweight?
I'll admit it....laziness. I am a lazybones! I LOVE food. I just need to find my medium.
I am here to find supporters, people who are or aren't like me, find it hard and want to look good with a lifestyle that doesn't make you miss out! We are only young once!!
So Ladies and Gentlemen we need to all think no matter the circumstance, age, weight, goal....

I'm young..this is my PRIME time to SHINE and look FABULOUS!!

I will be posting my progress (as much as I can)...my good points, my bad points, the products I am eating, substitutes, recipes and anything I feel that motivates me that could motivate you!

Up's and downs..lets turn this around!!!

I would love to find people to help support and vice versa! :)

Nat xxxxx