Hi everyone

Hi Everyone,

I've lost 5kg since new year by being a little smarted and just started using MFP this week.

My history is one of bouncing weight. I was a good athlete for years, then sedentary beyond words, 2012 was a very active year and I got down to 80kg, 2013 I traveled the world and rose to 95kg (spent too much time in India and love the food there) recently returned to activity.

My goals are to get back to 80-84kg @ 12-15% BF

Current Stats Body Weight = 90kg @ 23% BF

My lifestyle involves a rotating shift work (3 x12 hour days followed by 3 days off followed by 3x12 hour nights then another 3 days off, then repeat).

I want to eat enough so that i can continue to work out and recover as i enjoy it, days i don't work out i find it hard to eat clean

My calculated calorie requirements are:

Harris-Benedict equation = 2004kcal
Rule of 11 = 2178kcal
Sterling-Pasmore Equation = 2525kcal

My last 2 days diet resulted in 2,135kcal and 2222kcal (very hungry).

My last 2 days exercise had two separate 1 hours of weight lifting (high tempo, strict one minute rest with super-sets and 30 minutes of moderate cardio on spin bike).

Anyway just wanted to see if anyone has any input or critique of the above.


  • alanwh
    alanwh Posts: 4 Member

    My last 2 days diet resulted in 2,135kcal and 2222kcal (very hungry).

    the next 2 days resulted in

    2236kcal and 3695kcal

    I've been consistent in the gym but i think my daily activity level must be higher than the estimated calorie needs because i've been so hungry. it got to Friday and i basically had to keep eating. I went clean enough for me and ate an extra chicken sandwich and a pile or rice cakes to try fill myself up. i'm back on the good track today so the binge did not continue which i'm happy about. tomorrow is my first race of the year.