Sort of new sort of old

Hello all
I don't recall if I made one of these when I first joined but I have a feeling I didn't. I have a tendency to make accounts on places like this and then forgetting them for a long while. Oops. But I am back now and working on getting back into things.

I am a software developer from Norway. I lived in the US for a long time but now I am here and loving being home. But my dog is living with my partner who is in the US still and I have to admit I really miss my walking partner. I am a huge nerd, I play video games, tabletop games and lately gotten really interested in cosplaying. Thankfully this also helps me when it comes to fitness. I have gotten hooked on Zombies, Run! Eventually when I feel my strength, coordination and stamina is better I would love to take kickboxing back up, but for now I am keeping it to jogging/walking, some yoga and some strength training. Got a long way to go, especially with establishing good habits.

I'd love to make more friends so feel free to poke at me.
