food diary

I am in my first week of MFP and I have a question regarding my calories...I am alotted a certain number of calories to which I make my daily menu..I am doing cardio and strength training as understanding is that when regularly exercising you need to make sure you are getting adequate energy (calories) to your body..but I dont always meet all my daily requirements i.e short on calories, carbs and sugar mostly...because I have used up my protein question it ok to not be exact with my daily food without it being detrimental to my quest?? I guess I want to know that despite not being exact with some of my numbers at the end of the day that my body will respond appropriately (lose weight, gain muscle) despite the calorie, carb deficiency..I have been trying to find items to fill the gaps but been having a hard time without being in the negative for protein


  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I know a lot of people on here talk about hitting all your macros. I personally don't pay much attention to them, I just watch my calories and try to keep under on my sodium intake. To me that's too hard to try and figure out what to eat to match all those levels, I just try to eat as healthy as possible, but also have my treats.
  • tiney72
    tiney72 Posts: 7 Member
    Thankyou for your thoughts :)