Looking for clean eaters :)

Hi, I am newly back here on myfitnesspal and looking for people that eat "clean" or are interested in it.

By clean I mean whole foods and home-cooked foods, not necessarily organic, even though I try to buy all organic.

It's nice to view others diaries and get some new food ideas. I tend to eat the similar things over and over and get bored an then binge... I dont want this to happen anymore and really want to stick with watching my intake, logging and exercising!!!


  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    Hey there! I am not cult-y about being a clean eater, but I certainly prefer to cook my own meals and use whole foods about 90% of the time! I still treat myself once in a while, and imbibe in a glass of wine here and there. ;) For the most part though, I love real, fresh food and my diary tends to feature more lists of ingredients and homemade recipes than lean cuisines or that kind of thing. I just really love to cook, and I like to enjoy what I eat. Add me if you like! I am always more than happy to clarify my recipes and ingredients as well. :flowerforyou:
  • lizzylu112
    lizzylu112 Posts: 1 Member
    Clean eater (mostly)...I will, on occasion, such as cheat day, eat a slice of pizza or something else terribly unhealthy, yet undeniably delicious. I would love sharing recipes and ideas. I am actually currently writing a blog about my health and fitness journey, where I am posting many of my recipes and pictures of the final product..
  • beekay70
    beekay70 Posts: 214 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.

  • Sharbear73
    Sharbear73 Posts: 96 Member
    I wanted to start a thread like this but know the controversy. I am trying to eat more veggies and fruit, bottom line, so yes please add me :)
  • Dyan2lose2014
    Dyan2lose2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Just starting on my journey to clean eating. I've been trying to eat organic as well but not easy in my area. Grocery stores don't carry much that is organic especially produce. Controversy is putting it lightly. In another group, not related to myfitnesspal, you got crucified when you mentioned clean eating.
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.

    Don't poke the Cult! The high priest of the Church of Calorie is a Calorie will smite you!

    Good luck with your diet. I'd love to eat clean. I just don't have the will power for it.
    I wanted to start a thread like this but know the controversy. I am trying to eat more veggies and fruit, bottom line, so yes please add me :)

    It's really a shame on a site like this that people would be intimidated to ask about something they're trying. The cult is out of control here.
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    I "eat clean" at least as far as I define it. And I'm happy to have friends :D
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.

    Don't poke the Cult! The high priest of the Church of Calorie is a Calorie will smite you!

    Good luck with your diet. I'd love to eat clean. I just don't have the will power for it.
    I wanted to start a thread like this but know the controversy. I am trying to eat more veggies and fruit, bottom line, so yes please add me :)

    It's really a shame on a site like this that people would be intimidated to ask about something they're trying. The cult is out of control here.

    LOLZ at cult...

    My only critique of clean eating is that it is not necessary for weight loss. Why restrict certain foods, when you can eat what you like and still lose weight? If that makes me "cultish" then whatevs....
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    I started eating clean January 1st and my body THANKS ME for it. I try to eat very minimal amounts of processed foods after watching some documentaries on Netflix.. (everyone should watch Knives over Forks, Fat sick & nearly dead, and FOOD inc - life changing)

    I have run into some Boredum lately with my recipes so I would love any input on switching things up. I eat a lot of fish, salmon, spinach, boiled eggs.... and Im not a big fan of chicken (thanks to FOOD inc..)....

    Feel free to add me! XO
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    The number one rule for clean eating on MFP is don't talk about clean eating on MFP. Someone will soon comment that you're an idiot for not eating ALL THE FOOD.

    I try to eat clean, for no other reasons than calorie and nutrient density.

    Don't poke the Cult! The high priest of the Church of Calorie is a Calorie will smite you!

    Good luck with your diet. I'd love to eat clean. I just don't have the will power for it.
    I wanted to start a thread like this but know the controversy. I am trying to eat more veggies and fruit, bottom line, so yes please add me :)

    It's really a shame on a site like this that people would be intimidated to ask about something they're trying. The cult is out of control here.

    LOLZ at cult...

    My only critique of clean eating is that it is not necessary for weight loss. Why restrict certain foods, when you can eat what you like and still lose weight? If that makes me "cultish" then whatevs....

    I don't do it for weight loss. I do it because I seriously feel better when I "eat clean". I've been doing it basically my whole life and I find I crave healthy foods.

    I also think you can turn alllllmost any food into "clean" food. ie. I eat pizza, so I make my own dough, put fresh veggies, and a nice fresh mozzarella on top. And last year I even made my own gummy bears with agar and fruit juice (I was attempting to re-create cliff bar "shot bloks" and it turned into a really salty mess).

    So in my mind, its not about restricting foods, its about not eating overly processed foods. And just about any food you want, you can make in a not overly processed way. (I'm sure you could find something that you can't, and then I guess you restrict that, but its not about making a black list of food and never eating it again)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I tend to eat the similar things over and over and get bored an then binge...

    So then why are you starting on a diet that is highly restrictive?
  • Kayshay29
    I just started eating clean January 1st too!! I swear I have never felt better in my life even though I'm still about 60lbs overweight. There's just something about eating food that you know is 100% natural. I find the biggest benefit so far is emotional. Last week I made two homemade cauliflower pizzas. I ate a whole one and then half of the other one. Yesss this was bad and way to much food at once but I didn't have the horrible guilt and hating myself that I would have say after eating a whole Dominos pizza (which sadly I've done)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I feel so much better when I eat clean. I prefer to call it just healthy eating and to avoid the labels. I've had a bad run this last month and have felt like crap because of it. Not eating good healthy foods. It's amazing the effect food has on a person.

    there's nothing wrong with it, but if you can't seem to get through a week without bingeing or eating processed foods, then it's not the right path for you. No harm in trying though :)
  • Dyan2lose2014
    Dyan2lose2014 Posts: 3 Member
    If you have ever eaten unprocessed foods for an extended amount to time you would know why. You feel incredible without all the chemicals and nonessential stuff that is added to processed foods.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you have ever eaten unprocessed foods for an extended amount to time you would know why. You feel incredible without all the chemicals and nonessential stuff that is added to processed foods.

    ummm all foods have chemicals in them...
  • jenniferrr127
    jenniferrr127 Posts: 44 Member
    I eat clean!!

    Anyone can feel free to add me here, and on Instagram, too, I post all my food, LOL. : Jenniferrr127
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I strive for clean eating! :) ... Know anything I can do with oat bran other than hot cereal or muffins/cookies?
  • sweetrecognition
    I eat clean with an open food journal, just getting back on here after going from 150 to 118 in about a year
    Add me if you like anyone
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    I am looking to eat clean, paleo diet possibly? All organic for health reasons... Diagnosed coeliac... Still very ill unable to eat solid food currently! GP and research say this is how I can get better, also I need to cut out dairy too and I NEED HELP! I like to cook.... Please add me!