When you don't want to calorie count



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    *** snip **********

    It serves no one to obsess over a tool.

    On the other hand, I've got all my foods entered here, so it takes about three minutes per meal. Not like it's a huge chore. I just like teaching myself to eat intuitively. Probably my biggest challenge is to make sure I'm eating enough vegetables. Cheese sandwiches are too easy.

    I don't think that logging, weighing daily, and eating intuitively are at odds with each other. I still log everything every day. And I step on the scale on the morning. But it's just something I do.

    It's a rare day when I look at my log and find I'm way over. More often, I'm way under and have lots of calories left in my day and logging gives me permission to eat a snack I want. Or, it might even tell me I SHOULD eat a bit before bed because I'm way under.

    It also tells me when I haven't moved enough and should get off my butt. Both good things.

    It reminds me of how when I had my youngest son. I was nursing and when I left him with his dad, I would hurry home because I'd worry he was out of milk. Once I got a cell phone, I could relax because I knew that if he needed me, his dad would call and I could get home in plenty of time. No need to rush.

    With logging, I have information to make decisions without worrying.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    I've used MFP off and on the last couple years. I use it religiously during weight loss mode, then haven't logged during maintaining. I found as long as I kept portions reasonable, and cut the junk out I maintained pretty well within a 2 to 3 pound range. I'm currently trying to take off the 13 lbs I gained over the holidays and am thinking this time when I hit my goal I'll continue to log during the week but let it go on the weekends. I weigh once a week on Fridays to assess progress.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I find with maintaining I can be a bit looser with my documenting and enjoy more "splurge days".
  • jpapp13
    jpapp13 Posts: 73 Member
    I just hit my goal weight and have decided to take weekends off from logging. I've been logging daily for almost a year, this included holidays, special events, etc. I weigh myself generally on mondays (where I expect to be heaviest) and fridays (where I expect to weigh the least), and so far I've managed to maintain and honestly I'm enjoying the mental break of having to figure out what a 'portion' looks like depending on where I'm going for the day.

    I think for everyone it's obviously different, but eventually for myself I'd like to feel like I don't HAVE to log every day.