Looking for supportive female buddies :)



  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Friend request sent! Love the support, giving and getting!
  • NatashaYates86
    NatashaYates86 Posts: 18 Member
    Way to be on the weight loss so far!!! I too am a mommy and love having people on here that are motivated and supportive!! Anyone else looking for buddies feel free to add me!
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    way to go everyone....i think all of us getting on here is a great start to our goals.
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I tried going to your profile to send a request, but my work computer wouldn't let me, so feel free to add me!!! Anyone on here can add me!!! :) I am almost 30, and have a, just turned 3 year old! I am now getting back into the swing of things after taking a little time off for all the stuff life has thrown my way!
  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    food is my weakness :grumble: and any support is appreciated!
    Feel free to add me..I really want to stick with it and succeed this time!
  • HappyAppleCandy
    We are here for you! Just keep at it! My goal is 20 bl by Aug.
  • RunawayDaisy
    I would love some friends closer to my own age-I am 39. Most my MFP friends are 20 somethings-I think it's easier for them to lose weight, I know it was for me in my 20's. I am a working mom of 3-part of this journey is finding time for ME to do what needs to be done to get fit and healthy. So far so good, feel free to add me if you wish.
  • melbell65
    I am looking for as much support as I can get! I just had a baby 3 months ago and am really struggling with the weight. I lost quite a bit of the weight I had gained after I had my son but because of the post partum depression I was struggling with my doctor suggested Zoloft. Since I started taking that medication I have gained about 20 pounds back and I am miserable!

    I have always had trouble staying motivated to exercise on a regular basis. I get bored so easily.

    What I am trying to do now since I've returned to work is to make time for myself each day and to stick to a routine. If anyone has any tips on that send them my way.
    Also with meal planning as well. I would like to cut back on my carbs and sodium.
    I love this app as I have used it before and was successful. It is time to get going again!
    Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me.
  • KristinD1977
    Hi, I sent you a FR... Good luck on your journey!
  • BettyDares
    BettyDares Posts: 1,498 Member
    Friend request sent. I'm also a nearly 30 gal looking for supportive friends and encouragement.
  • Muddybear7
    Muddybear7 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all for your support :D I had no idea I was going to get such a big response; I can hardly keep up with everyone's comments and requests!

    The weight didn't really start happening until I started being patient with my progress.So many times I would see nothing or very little happening on the scale and I just gave up. Another big change was that my sister used to live two doors down from me and we would work out often and take pictures of our progress. Ever since she moved clear across the country I've been at a standstill :(. I really miss her! I know I've been deterring my progress with my binges, and I'd probably be at maintenance by now if it wasn't for that, by I am proud and thankful for my progress.

    Thanks to your responses today, I'm more driven than ever to get to my goal! Thank you for the compliments and I applaud each and every one of you for working towards your goals. I know this might sound a bit corny, but I loved what David said on the Biggest Loser finale: "Tonight was not the winning step; the winning step was the first one".

    Have a great night everyone!
  • lyssfiggs
    lyssfiggs Posts: 10 Member
    I am also looking for support!! Just jumped back on from being off this site for 2 years :) Can use some female friends to motivate one another!! Feel free to add me :)
  • amycuz14
    amycuz14 Posts: 41 Member
    It is a struggle, but I sure like that saying - the first step is the winning step. I have found the scale can be my enemy - it doesn't budge, but then I realize that my clothes are fitting better so good things are happening. Totally have a love/hate relationship with that scale! Good luck!!!
    I sent a friend request, I've been using MFP for a year now and have just found the boards - I haven't seen them on my app. I think having support could be a great thing, Having friends on here who can celebrate the milestones together would be great!
  • Kalymoore
    Friend request sent :)

    I too am looking for buddies to support me ..... please feel free to add me (thanks in advance)
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    Add me :)