Calling for some very tough love



  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! You've already lost 36 pounds which is amazing, and far more than a lot of people who diet end up accomplishing. No one's perfect and we'll all slip up from time to time, it's not realistic to expect people to remain on a rigid diet for the rest of their life. I personally love sweets and I'm sure I'll cheat one of these days, but as long as it's not a regular occurrence I'm not going to beat myself up. You're obviously capable of disciplining yourself to lose the weight since you already lost 36 pounds, now find that within you again!

    I agree with who said to rid their house of junk food. The temptation is much less when you're not surrounded by it.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Thx!! Keep 'em comin'! :)
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    My problem is eating at night too.....and like you my scale is moving in the wrong direction. Once again, I'm back to my starting point ( or possibly a pound above my starting point). My body and I do not appear to agree on my bodies ideal weight. Working out at night is great, but it also keeps me up which isn't great since I have to get up at 5 six days a week. I can ride your *kitten* though, if you will return the favor if you see me eating after dinner.