Eeeeek.. I have been prescribed Orlistat :\

Hi everyone. I have been prescribed Orlistat, which I am starting on Monday.

Does anyone have any advise regarding meal plans, recipes, or any other tips?

I'd really appreciate any support or advise anyone can give me, as I have heard all kinds of horror stories about the "accidents" people have on this medication!

Feel free to share your experiences, and if anyone is currently taking them and wants a support buddy along the way, go ahead and add me!


Mary x


  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I used Alli about 7 years ago the first time I was trying to lose weight, and I never had any 'accidents'. Don't know how often you're taking it, but the way Alli worked, you took one pill before each meal, and each meal had to have less than 20 g of fat. TBH, if I knew I was going to a meal where the fat would be higher, I would just not take the pill to avoid the possibility of any 'accidents'.

    But now I know the reason I am losing weight is not because of the pill, but simple because I am eating at a deficit, so that's all it took for me. Good luck!
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I use over the counter Alli that I buy from the drug store. I don't know what the difference between it and the prescription kind is, but I can speak to Alli -- I've never had a problem with it. With that said, I am very careful to log what I eat and make SURE I do not have more than around 15 grams of fat per meal. If I am not sure about what I am eating, I won't take it. If I look at the fat and the total is above 15, I won't take it. Do this, and you'll be fine. Eat more than the recommended grams of fat and take it and you'll probably find out about those "accidents." But if you are careful and watchful (which you should be anyway for the sake of your weight loss plan) you will be just fine! :)
  • Thank you both :) When I start taking it, I will try to stick to 15 grams of fat per meal just to be on the safe side!

    Good luck with reaching and maintaining your target weights! x
  • unilass
    unilass Posts: 5 Member
    my doctor never told me about the 15g rule.... ive been in absolute hell for the past 3 weeks from eating one meal which was fatty... and ruined loads of clothes even when wearing pads... I'm actually at the stage where I'm afraid to eat incase i crap myself!.... DO NOT USE THIS!
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Make sure you eat a low fat diet.

    Do not, do not do not eat anything greasy,

    No pizza, no chips, nothing fun. I hate that medicine and don't think it's worth it, but if you are going to take it, do not eat anything other than low fat foods. Unless you want to have an accident in public.
  • dmo22
    dmo22 Posts: 8 Member
    I would get yourself a food scale, it's helped me loads. The first time I didn't have one and its wayyy too easily to underestimate something like cheese and go over 15 grams in a meal. A food scale will help ensure that you don't go over 15, and thats the only time I've had the "treatment" effects. Another thing is I would avoid eating out, its so deceptive how much fat can be in restaurant food, even the veggies aren't safe if they are cooked in oil, at least that's where I've personally had pit falls
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    Just checking in to see how the op is doing in the medication? Started mine today.... Nervous lol