Meal Replacement Drinks

Okay, I promise people, I am not trying to starve myself with only drinking liquids but I was wondering if anyone knows of a meal replacement drink (preferably with a lot of protein) that is not horribly expensive (like 13.00 for 4 bottles). I am not trying to be on an all liquid diet, I just really don't like cooking food. I don't like to spend a lot of money on groceries, therefore, half the healthy recipes are impossible because I do not want to go out and buy herbs that cost $7 just to make one meal.

My husband was getting these boost plus drinks really cheap from his mother (a nurse) because he almost never eats. So then I thought I would do that for awhile and use them too. Then I learned that they aren't very healthy and that they are more for gaining weight which is good for him since he is a twig, but bad for me. I really just want something simple that isn't going to overkill my sugar or carb intake.

Any suggestions?