Protection from dogs



  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I turn and chase them back. Has worked on every large dog I've ever had an encounter with. I was also raised and always owned German shepherds so I'm comfortable around large dogs and carry myself well around them.

    Small yippie dogs are an exception to the rule but those are easy enough to field goal kick if need be. You get an extra 10 points if they are attached to a leash when you do it. No joke, a scoreboard pops out of nowhere wherever you are and lights up with a +10. Craziest **** you would ever see, you should try it.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I turn and chase them back. Has worked on every large dog I've ever had an encounter with. I was also raised and always owned German shepherds so I'm comfortable around large dogs and carry myself well around them.

    Small yippie dogs are an exception to the rule but those are easy enough to field goal kick if need be. You get an extra 10 points if they are attached to a leash when you do it. No joke, a scoreboard pops out of nowhere wherever you are and lights up with a +10. Craziest **** you would ever see, you should try it.

    ...I think you're probably the worst person I've seen on here today.
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    Small yippie dogs are an exception to the rule but those are easy enough to field goal kick if need be. You get an extra 10 points if they are attached to a leash when you do it. No joke, a scoreboard pops out of nowhere wherever you are and lights up with a +10. Craziest **** you would ever see, you should try it.

    I second ElliottTN here. I've never kicked a dog, but I've seen it done, and sure enough a scoreboard popped up, not only with flashing lights but awesome sound effects to boot.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    that happened to me three years ago .was running around the block in the country minding my own business and some dog decided to bite my ankle .. i had to fight that the owner take more responsibility for her dogs which she never did finally that dog is gone . hard for me to even use pepper spray because im in such a zone with loud music blaring in my ears.. im not on my best alert
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    I was almost bitten by THREE different dogs today. And its not an uncommon occurrence. Two of them the owners thought it was a bright idea to leave their garage door open (with vicious dogs) while they chatted with their neighbor. Then a great dane charged across the street after me the owner left their front door open while hauling groceries.

    It's only a matter of time before I get bitten. Before anyone says to go walk/jog somewhere else, Im definitely not going to change my routine because of some irresponsible pet owners. They can have fun paying my medical bills.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    There is a difference between attack by a single dog and from a pack of dogs. I hope it never happens but I think I am going to go look for some bear spray.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    I'd be informing somebody in authority. Dogs (of any kind) shouldn't be allowed to roam free around the streets attacking people. I'm not having a go at pitbulls before anyone suggests it. For me jack russles are far more terrifying lol.

    Bloody hate dogs, always have but it isn't their fault they behave why they do. The owners need putting on a lead sometimes...

    lol imminent threat of bodily harm? yeah.. just call the cops...
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I turn and chase them back. Has worked on every large dog I've ever had an encounter with. I was also raised and always owned German shepherds so I'm comfortable around large dogs and carry myself well around them.

    Small yippie dogs are an exception to the rule but those are easy enough to field goal kick if need be. You get an extra 10 points if they are attached to a leash when you do it. No joke, a scoreboard pops out of nowhere wherever you are and lights up with a +10. Craziest **** you would ever see, you should try it.

    ...I think you're probably the worst person I've seen on here today.

    (Makes a little space on my award shelf for today's success)
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    Not a gun unless you are a skilled shot

    not mace as the wind can blow it into your eyes

    a stun gun is good but you have to make contact to use it, and you may get bit in the process of making contact

    I've had success screaming "NO! Bad dog!!" before while running toward the dog/lunging at it and dog ran away. Another time I kicked a large dog in the throat but it was running up on my then infant twins and I wasn't going to allow that.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I now know where the aggressive dogs are on my road route and stop for a large stick when I'm nearing their homes. I will not hesitate to whack them if needed. There's two little ones that team up- one comes up in front and the other gets low behind trying for heels. I'm now to the point of getting pepper spray although I do question if it will work. A friend of mine had troubles with her neighbors dog and macing it never slowed it down. Her husband finally went and shot it after the owners refused to be responsible.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'd be informing somebody in authority. Dogs (of any kind) shouldn't be allowed to roam free around the streets attacking people. I'm not having a go at pitbulls before anyone suggests it. For me jack russles are far more terrifying lol.

    Bloody hate dogs, always have but it isn't their fault they behave why they do. The owners need putting on a lead sometimes...

    lol imminent threat of bodily harm? yeah.. just call the cops...

    When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. :)
  • MJ1975CA
    hornet spray!
    My mom had her sheep killed by the neighbor's dog in her own yard. She was scared to leave the house. Animal control told her to get hornet spray.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I love dogs. I've done rescue and shelter work. I've trained dogs. I grew up with a pack of pit bulls that were hunting dogs.

    All that said, lethal force would not be excessive if actually attacked/bitten by a pack pits while on a run.

    Except for the growing up with a pack of pit bulls I could have written this same thing.

    Pepper spray is usually pretty effective on dogs but I wouldn't want to rely on anything against a large number of determined dogs. I'd find somewhere else to run until the dogs have been handled.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Am I the only one who's more afraid of little dogs than the big ones? I HATE strange little dogs. I've been bitten 3 times by those little jokers. One time I was bitten literally 2 seconds after the owner said, "She won't bite."

    I think OP has gotten the advice she needs, so no need for me to add anything.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh Gawd, I am a jogger and an owner of a 10pound white, fluffy, biter of joggers.

    It is extremely humiliating when we are in the backyard and he dekes around the house, through the gate, and across the street to bite a jogger passing by. He's done it twice in 3 years, and I have no clue whatsoever what is going on in his brain that particular day(s). My deepest humblest apologies to the two he's tried to take a piece of and yes, I do mean it when I'm racing across our lawn yelling ""KICK HIM!!"". Or mace, if you are carrying it.

    I actually have a pic of him in my profile settings - I think because he looks so harmless people don't realize he means business (little business, but business nonetheless). Not sure how I would handle a pitbull pack - I would more than likely report and run somewhere else.

    Yeah I was getting bitten by a little white dog once and the lady was prancing around acting helpless so I looked her dead in the eye and said..."He's about to hit skin, and before he does I'M GONNA KICK HIM!" For some reason her helplessness insta-vanished when I said that and she scooped him right up. Shoes and socks ruined. Skin, bone, ankle NOT. Kiddo however was watching through the window and was left with ideas about dogs that we must work around actually we are both sketchy since that happened.

    I wish they would invent something people could put around the necks of their dogs when walking them to keep them close which would protect both passersby and the dogs. It could act as a tether and give the dogs a little freedom to roam within a safe distance.

    I wish also there were specific parks designated just for dogs so people who own them had a place where they could let them roam free for a bit without worries of tussles.

    If only...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I love dogs. I've done rescue and shelter work. I've trained dogs. I grew up with a pack of pit bulls that were hunting dogs.

    All that said, lethal force would not be excessive if actually attacked/bitten by a pack pits while on a run.

    Except for the growing up with a pack of pit bulls I could have written this same thing.

    Pepper spray is usually pretty effective on dogs but I wouldn't want to rely on anything against a large number of determined dogs. I'd find somewhere else to run until the dogs have been handled.

    In our last place we lived we literally stopped going for evening strolls because when the management began to refer to the walking trail out back as a "dog trail" people took this to heart. Pretty soon people were taking their large dogs out there and when dogs get in packs they develop this group mentality. I believe there's a name for it...oh yes I believe that's where the phrase pack mentality came from. Ironic really. I'm a dog lover actually by nature but the lack of responsibility I've witnessed is threatening to change that.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I was almost bitten by THREE different dogs today. And its not an uncommon occurrence. Two of them the owners thought it was a bright idea to leave their garage door open (with vicious dogs) while they chatted with their neighbor. Then a great dane charged across the street after me the owner left their front door open while hauling groceries.

    It's only a matter of time before I get bitten. Before anyone says to go walk/jog somewhere else, Im definitely not going to change my routine because of some irresponsible pet owners. They can have fun paying my medical bills.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    lol fourple post AND "literally"
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Oh Gawd, I am a jogger and an owner of a 10pound white, fluffy, biter of joggers.

    It is extremely humiliating when we are in the backyard and he dekes around the house, through the gate, and across the street to bite a jogger passing by. He's done it twice in 3 years, and I have no clue whatsoever what is going on in his brain that particular day(s). My deepest humblest apologies to the two he's tried to take a piece of and yes, I do mean it when I'm racing across our lawn yelling ""KICK HIM!!"". Or mace, if you are carrying it.

    I actually have a pic of him in my profile settings - I think because he looks so harmless people don't realize he means business (little business, but business nonetheless). Not sure how I would handle a pitbull pack - I would more than likely report and run somewhere else.

    Yeah I was getting bitten by a little white dog once and the lady was prancing around acting helpless so I looked her dead in the eye and said..."He's about to hit skin, and before he does I'M GONNA KICK HIM!" For some reason her helplessness insta-vanished when I said that and she scooped him right up. Shoes and socks ruined. Skin, bone, ankle NOT. Kiddo however was watching through the window and was left with ideas about dogs that we must work around actually we are both sketchy since that happened.

    I wish they would invent something people could put around the necks of their dogs when walking them to keep them close which would protect both passersby and the dogs. It could act as a tether and give the dogs a little freedom to roam within a safe distance.

    I wish also there were specific parks designated just for dogs so people who own them had a place where they could let them roam free for a bit without worries of tussles.

    If only...

    Oh, and it would be awesome if they would secure them at their homes so they can't chase people on the sidewalks. That would be super nice.

    I carry mace. It won't help with a pack of dogs, but it would probably help for one. At one point on a run I heard a dog barking aggressively at me, and ended up picking up a large stick just in case., totally prepared to use it. I love dogs, but if it's between me or the dog, I'm the one that's going to walk away.

    Often times people have their dogs off leash where I run, but I've been fortunate that they have all been under great voice control. The owners tend to call them over and make them sit while I go by. Just in case, I tend to walk past them. Dogs can react differently to joggers than they do to people who are walking.