Health nuts/ vegans/ forks over knives fans?

Hello! I would like to connect with some like minded people for fun, friends, and support. I also just want people to know my goals so I can be held accountable for myself! I am 5'6 and I actually don't know how much I weigh, but I am guessing 135 ish. I'm 26, girl, mom, massage therapist and esthetician, I think that's all anyone really needs to know:) I plan on getting a scale so I can keep track of myself, because using a measuring tape every day just doesn't work. Even if my clothes are falling off of me, the measuring tape doesn't budge! who knows maybe the scale will be the same way? Oh, I'm a size 8 right now although I could probably squeeze myself into a 6. My goal is a size 6, a comfortable size six. My goal weight would be 125. So there we go, if anyone wants to be friends and you need support or want to talk about something please do:)