Best way to lose the last 10-15pounds?!?! Mainly stomach are

jenn103 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Everyone,
Im new to posting here...So a bit of background. I have a 10month old son, and I have been working out hardcore for the last 9 months. I have lost all my baby weight and then some, but im still looking to lose that last 15 pounds so i can get to my ultimate weight loss goal. My trouble zone is my stomach...if you have had a baby you know what I mean. I was just wondering on top of trying to lose those last few pesky pounds..what on earth should I do to target my tummy. Is the best way keeping up the cardio...or should I do ab work outs daily? Im getting desperate here, I know things take time but I want to do it right the first time around =). Thank you for reading if you have made it this far, any and all advice is appreciated =))


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Get some pilates or yoga DVDs and do a lot of walking or running, any kind of good cardio, bicycling, skating/blading, swimming, etc. VERY clean diet, as in: don't eat a lot of processed (fake) sugar, eat whole grains (whole wheat, whole oats, etc.), limit your alcohol intake and eat lots of fruits and veggies and lean meats (for lean, think low in fat, as in: chicken, fish, tuna, etc.)
  • You can't target fat removal, it comes off where your body decides it will. The midsection is usually the first place the fat packs on, and the very last place it goes away. Ab workouts don't burn fat, they'll do nothing for a slimmer tummy. My suggestion is to eat healthy, don't cut too many calories, and do strength training 3 days a week along with whatever cardio you do. This will help you build muscle, which will aid in raising your metabolism and help you burn fat all day long. The last bits of fat storage is the toughest.

    Nutrition is the real key to getting really lean, so make sure you're not just cutting calories, but eating completely healthy and getting the proper nutrients you need in a day.
  • You have to change your diet I found going to gym did nothing until I found the right diet for me. Its the only way, once your eating right then the gym will work for you also do lots of swimming.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You can't target fat removal, it comes off where your body decides it will. The midsection is usually the first place the fat packs on, and the very last place it goes away. Ab workouts don't burn fat, they'll do nothing for a slimmer tummy. My suggestion is to eat healthy, don't cut too many calories, and do strength training 3 days a week along with whatever cardio you do. This will help you build muscle, which will aid in raising your metabolism and help you burn fat all day long. The last bits of fat storage is the toughest.

    Nutrition is the real key to getting really lean, so make sure you're not just cutting calories, but eating completely healthy and getting the proper nutrients you need in a day.

    Yep... you can't target where you burn fat. But you can target where you tone. Keep up the good work, and the weight will keep coming off, and it will come off your stomach as well. My thought is, once it has taken what it can from everywhere else, it has to work on those trouble spots, right? And work on tone, too. That will help your stomach appear flatter. Good luck!
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Absolute best ways to loose fat is to gain muscle, since muscle requires a lot of cals and such to maintain, more so than fat. And no your wont bulk up I hate it when people think that. Also diet is extremely important! You really need to clean up your diet extra to lose those last few lbs. Try the eating clean challenge, its eating from tier 1 and 2 only from Michis ladder which you can find at giving yourself one cheat meal a week. A program that worked amazingly well for me is chalean extreme. Also found at its, i know a lot of people who have had great results. :) Hope this helps!
  • I wanted to thank every one for their advice!!
    I didnt think you could target areas but I just wanted to be sure! I have some serious trouble with eating clean...Im not going to lie. I have tried and tried, but I always end up with rotten veggies and fruit because I cant seem to eat it fast enough or enough of it! It just ends up being a waste of money on my part. I do what I can tho, my diet is miles better than what it used to be! One step at a time with that. I will just continue with what I am doing, and hope that eventually my belly starts to catch up with the rest of my body. This month I am focusing on interval training from the p90x program and I am running 3 days a week. I switch up my routines regularly as well as to keep my body from plateauing for to long.. I am currently hitting a plateau I have been stuck at the 155-153 range for about 2 weeks and I am hoping to break through pretty soon here =)
    Thanks again! I will be around and post more often, everybody is so helpful and inspiring!
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