Finding balance between cardio and strength training


I began my journey in 2006 @ 386lbs. I have lost 172 lbs throught mostly diet with inconsistent spruts of excercise consisting of mostly walking and small amounts of strength training on the line of life fitness machines at the local Y ( they have 12 machines set up to give the whole body a work out) . I lost the first 100 pre gastric sleeve and have been disappointed 13 months after the sleeve I am still over 200.

In the last few days of October I reentered the gym. I want to get under that 200 mark and it just seems like I am going to have ti fight for it! October thru December I built myself up to doing more than I have ever been able to do before and consistently going six days a week.

I have a slower than average metabolism according to my Bariatric center so I am keep my calories around 1200 and have found raising them means I gain :-( ! Please keep in mind that 1200 for a gastric sleeve patient is not unusual. I have been able to hold myself down to that the last few weeks. I was gaining over the holidays from too many calories.

Here is what I have worked up to and held at since end of December. I would like to know how this ranks with others work out as I have no one I can really compare to here.

5 days A week I do:
5 sets of 24 reps on machines
2000 meters on indoor rower (14 min)
3 Miles Pro bike crosstrainer (15 mins)
30 min elliptical

1 day a week I do: (I walk a lot at work this day step meter says 3 miles so I have to cut my time short. I only work this job one day a week)
3 sets of 24 reps
2000 meters on indoor rower (14 min)
3 Miles Pro bike crosstrainer (15 mins)
30 min elliptical

The machines I do the sets of 24 reps on:
Triceps extension 40lb
Lat pull down 70lbs
Shoulder Press 25lbs
Chess Press 50lbs
Vertical Row 70lbs
Bicep curls 40lbs

Leg Press 85lbs
Leg extension 40lbs
Leg curl 70lbs
Abductor (inner thigh) 70 lbs
Adductor (outer thigh) 80lbs ( I actually do 5 reps of 36 on this machine instead of the 24 reps I do on all the others)
Rotary Torso 40lbs (this gets double the sets because I work each side)

I also do on all 6 days Ab Cruncher 80 lbs 21 sets of 12 broke up through out the work out.

The work out takes me 3 hours to complete but I am feeling stronger. I wonder is this going to burn fat? Is it the best mix of cardio and strength training? The calculators say I am burning 900 calories doing this, could that be true? I think It would definitely be lower due to having a slower metabolism anyway.

I have been a size 18 pants for six months and I think I am finally starting to move toward 16 pants although still a way to go. I hate the scale, but yes it too has started to inch down. Just wanting to hear other opinions ( other than eat more calories because that will not work for me it has been tested and proven I eat/ I gain)


  • mommaknox5
    mommaknox5 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow ,it sounds like you are doing it. Keep up the good work.

    Remember your body needs to recover about 72 hours. And add a protein about 30-45 mins after you exercise to replace what you've lost.
  • caraherch
    I am definitely not an expert but I read that if you are able to do more than 15 reps in a set then you are probably not lifting heavy enough weights. Worth a thought- perhaps it's time to increase what you are lifting!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    It's not the weight you perform it's about properly contracting the muscle and hypertrophy. If you can't feel your muscles stretch and squeeze lower the weight.. increase the weight if you don't feel anything. You should flex your muscles like your trying to show them off to a crowd.

    I think the balance can be whatever you want it to be. If you want to get stronger lift first then cardio, but you don't have to do it that way. When you add calories perhaps just add a small amount like 5g of protein every 2 weeks. Protein has a higher thermogenic profile than fat or carbs.