Sooooo happy to be a part of the movement that MATTERS

Did you know we are part of the most influential movement hitting the United States of America?????

We are getting healthy, encouraging each other, and WE WILL IMPACT this generation and those to come!!

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Ever heard of the Seventh Generation Principle?? This principle states that we should make decisions about how we live today based on how our decisions will impact the future seven generations. It usually is applied to the earth and environment, but guess what????????

It applies to the status of our health too! How will what we do today impact generations removed from us 7 times over?? How many American traditions revolve around eating? Thanksgiving, Christmas, ball games, family reunions, fondue parties, watching movies at the theater, rodeos, circuses, HALLOWEEN...what are we teaching our kids when all the fun things in life come with a thick coating of fried batter or corn syrup or butter!! LOL. I love America and our traditions, but let's give our kids a choice and a chance to know what healthy looks like and how much fun it is to be fit, walk without getting winded, compete in sports, ride a roller coaster and fit in the seat, buy clothes that make us feel FABULOUS!! You get my drift?? Can I get an AMEN?? Let's do this!
