Morbidly obese...



  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    There is no 'faster' method, you need to follow the can't just skip :) You will be on 1200 cal near the end of your losing weight journey. It takes time. Good luck.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    I can't believe some of the advice on here. One post is saying that someone of that size can not eat for weeks and still survive? We need vitamins, minerals, water, etc for bodily function, using fat stores alone does not sustain life.

    IMO 1200 is too little for someone of that size to start off with. I would start at 2500 minimum and then go from there. Keeping a food diary is a must, regardless of the amount of weight to lose. Its a way to keep accountable for our food choices.

    I started out one month ago at 161 and have lost 10 lbs since. I have lost weight before but because this time I am adding a lot of exercise my weight has not changed that much but I am losing inches every week. I started out with a BMR somewhere in the 1400+ range, and by starting out on Atkins induction and changing my carb intake around, it's working. For me personally, I can't sustain a very low calorie or carb diet when I'm exercising because I wind up getting very dizzy and nausous.

    Do not starve yourself, just make different choices. Stay away from processed sugars, bread, soda and fast food and you will see a big change. Trust me, you will be shocked when you see how much food you can eat when the choices are healthy and you are adding veggies and fruit.

    The best advice I can give you is to please seek assistance with your doctor before starting so that you can lose the weight in a healthy, sustainable way. I wish you the best of luck and please keep us updated.

    You should read the posts before commenting on them.

    Yes, with water someone can survive for weeks without food.

    I have read the posts, and yes, people can "survive" on no food for 3 weeks but that doesn't make it ideal or healthy. If you are seriously suggesting that people should starve in order to use their fat stores as a sole source of energy, than you are promoting a dangerous thing. I am a nurse, going for my masters degree in nursing, so I am familiar with metabolism and nutrition.

    No physician would EVER suggest a fasting diet, that is not the way to lose weight in a healthy manner. Obesity is also just as much of a psychological problem as it is a physical problem, and learning new behaviors and adopting a new lifestyle are just as important as the calories consumed per day.

    If calories were just calories, than you are saying that 1200 calories of cake has the same benefits to the body as 1200 calories worth of healthy lean meats, fruits and veggies?

    Another nurse and this place terrifies me sometimes.