poll: your picture

do you use your mfp picture to motivate yourself? is it the best representation of you, the worst or somewhere in the middle? if you choose an avatar instead of a picture, is it because you were embarrassed about taking your picture or did you choose it for a different reason (like privacy)?


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Wow, a lot of questions. I just came back from the gym, so I don't know if I can answer clearly. Um...my avatar motivates me. I used to have a P90X avatar when I first joined the site. Not embarrassed about pics, but won't be taking bathing suit pics and posting them on the world wide web. Nope, never.
  • Mama_Bug
    Privacy, mostly. But it also reminds me that this process isn't easy or quick. :)
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    My pic is actually the best one of me I have. I don't use my MFP pic to motivate me, but I DO have a full body picture of me at a Teamwork Camp training thing my work did as my desktop background. THAT motivates me.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Mine has no reason behind it other than it being new and close to hand at the time I joined. I will one day have a fab before/after, half and half pic though :D
  • MakeLifeBright
    At first I used a clip art pic .:noway: For almost a year . I was "Totally embarressed, gutted, I hid my face in shame" !!
    Then one day I thought, if people do not like me for how I look. They can delete me off their friends!
    This is me, I am fat! I was fatter! I am here to get Healthy. If you don't want to see me, look away.:blushing:
  • PickyNikki
    Mine was taken a few years ago so I wasn't at my happy weight but that sweater I was wearing doesn't fit me today! So yes, my picture does motivate me to get to the weight I was then, and then lose a little more.
  • Hughes39
    i choose my picture because i like it. because it shows me as a person and who i am. sometimes it shows my family. i love my family and want to show them off!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I just try to keep my avatar as recent as possible and always have. Not going to use a full body picture for my avatar but I do have a "Before" picture that I have so I can do a Before and After picture at 50lbs and 75lbs and then at my final goal weight.
  • nonyabizness
    do you use your mfp picture to motivate yourself? is it the best representation of you, the worst or somewhere in the middle? if you choose an avatar instead of a picture, is it because you were embarrassed about taking your picture or did you choose it for a different reason (like privacy)?

    I use my mfp to show what is true. This is what others see.
    My mfp pic is almost the worst pic of me.

    I thought about using an avatar instead of a picture but I really wanted to come clean and put myself out there.
    I do worry about privacy and that was another concern.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Some pix are of me - but my current avatar is not me, but pretty much represents my CrossFit workouts (she's on the GHD ripping those abs)... I 'prolly make that face as I do them, but nowhere near as hot in doing so :laugh:
  • YourFriendBecky
    My avatar is... the one you see... because it makes me smile. I also have 3 photos on my profile, two current ones of me with my daughter and one of me at age 29 before the weight took over, because I'm trying to mentally reconnect with how it felt to be in that body. I'm testing out the idea of visualization... deeply relaxing for a few minutes each day and imagining that I'm already at my ideal weight. : )

    Note to MakeLifeBright: You're absolutely beautiful... can't imagine why you'd hesitate to put up a pic!

  • ashcrashly
    My pic is was taken from a time where I was at my target weight. It's where I'd like to be again.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Mine is all about motivation. Sometimes I use a before and after comparison, sometimes a current picture. I used to use an older picture, one of the few that I actually liked, but now I'm smaller. I really need to take a more recent picture, I've lost another 22 lbs since I took the last one.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Mine is my most current picture and I keep before and after pictures in my profile. I find that it motivates me to see myself as I am now. I have a come a long way and want to go further. I don't like seeing myself as I was so will only look at my profiles pictures when I want to see what its at half ways.
  • SassyMissDasha
    Mine is the way I am, like it or leave it. Sometimes I have it different, like yesterday I had one that was about remembering 9/11. Just depends on the day. I am not embarrassed about pics.
  • SassyMissDasha
    A little funny story about my current pic ..

    I took my friend to the hospital the other night, and was there in the ER from around 9:30 pm and didn't get home till around 2 am. But anyway, she had this jean jacket - and I was joking around, and in my attempt to entertain her lying in bed in pain .. I put her jacket on and was joking around, saying "fat guy in a little coat" .. but little did I know, the coat actually fit me, and fit me great. I buttoned it up, and it was somewhat loose on me. So I was bored, and took pics on my phone.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Mine is me at my heaviest... or when I started MFP.

    Hmmm.... I really like the idea of using my picture to motivate me... I think I am going to change it to one that is one of "big" goals... which I was at a few years ago. Hey, it's a better picture too!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    mine is for motivation. one the left is one of very few pictures of me at or near my heaviest. the one on the right is fairly recent. I have troubles actually seeing the weight I have lost so far, so this encourages me.
  • my2loves04and06
    I try and update my avatar with a recent picture of myself. My current one was taken last weekend. I was 15 lbs lighter than my last avatar picture. I notice the difference. It keeps me motivated to keep on truckin' on this "heathier me" journey.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I put up my own picture. I also took pictures again after 10 lbs which was really a motivator. I was feeling so good about losing the 10 lbs, then looked at the pictures and thought oh my goodness...that is me!!!