Can I go back to cardio now?



  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think mix it up -

    Do some cardio/ gym classes are really fun! I love boxercise, body pump and kettle bells at the moment, Spin classes are good calorie burners too in a short space of time - Then do your normal weight routine on other days

    How much protein are you eating?

    You drinking enough water?
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I do both. Strength training helps to build my muscles and cardio helps keep my heart healthy and eases stress for me. It also helps with shedding the fat that covers my muscles.

    Last spring I went from a primarily cardio workout to a strength focused workout. I was still training for a half marathon, but I did a lot of heavy lifting at the gym (3 sessions per week). I gained 10 pounds, but I stayed in my same size jeans and my arms looked amazing.

    I had surgery in the summer and couldn't exercise at all for a few months and lost a lot of my strength and definition, but I'm working on getting it back. I will say that since I am not training for an event, I have changed the type of cardio workout that I do. I used to do long steady state cardio. Now I do spin class and HIIT workouts with some easy steady state cardio and yoga thrown in.

    You have to do what works for you, but balance is a great thing. Good luck and don't worry so much about the scale. Do your clothes fit differently? Are your measurements changing? If cardio makes you feel good (I totally relate), then do it. Good luck!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I do both. I've only been doing weight training after falling in love with it, but I'm trying to balance it out. I lift 3 days a week and on 2 days in between, I'll do 30-45 minutes of moderate cardio.
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    Do your clothes fit differently? Are your measurements changing? If cardio makes you feel good (I totally relate), then do it. Good luck!

    Just a tiny bit on my tummy - but overall I like the way my body looks - I think I would just like to see those abs that are hiding under the layer of fat I have.
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    How much protein are you eating?

    You drinking enough water?

    I am trying to eat more protein - it is tough though! I am eating red meat, fish, chicken as often as I can, I also have a good protein shake that has 23g of protein on days when I am lifting heavy.

    I drink a lot of water about 1 1/2 litres of water, 3 cups of herbal tea as well as tea and fizzy drinks (although they are in the minority).

    I think my issue is my addiction to jelly beans - I am embarrassed at how many I am eating - think I might need to go cold turkey as they are not something I can regulate.

    I have altered my macros so I am at a slight deficit so I won't gain any more and should start losing fat and gaining muscle - hopefully!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I do both...Lift heavy 3x a week and 2 HIIT sessions on my off days...15-20min each...

    The only thing with cardio on lifting days is do it after you lift as it can interfere with your strength gains.

    As others have said the gain is not due to the's your diet.

    When you are lifting you will be "hungrier" if you aren't getting enough protien...I try to eat a min 120g of protien a day to ensure that I have enough and even then sometimes I need more...
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    As others have said the gain is not due to the's your diet.

    When you are lifting you will be "hungrier" if you aren't getting enough protien...I try to eat a min 120g of protien a day to ensure that I have enough and even then sometimes I need more...

    I know it is down to me being a greedy mare over the last couple of weeks - I will pare that down and ensure that I am eating enough protein, not eating as much rubbish, adding in some cardio and not doing cardio on weights days (except to warm up).

  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    If you're seeing results with lifting, why should you care what some number on the scale says?

    A thousand times this.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Wow, OP looked at a couple days of your diary, way over calories on a couple of them, and what is with the 300+ grams of carbs (over 500 one day)?

    You may want to revisit your Macros. Set your protein goal to 0.8 grams per lb of body weight, and your fat to 0.35 grams per lb of body weight, and use both of those numbers as minimums, fill the rest in with cabs, but use that as a maximum amount.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Sounds like you've got your training dialed in.

    Time to address your nutrition? More protein and hit your numbers.

    Remember, no one but you can see that number on the scale. But people can see how awesome you look from good training and good nutrition.
  • toughmudderMN
    toughmudderMN Posts: 129 Member
    Do your clothes fit differently? Are your measurements changing? If cardio makes you feel good (I totally relate), then do it. Good luck!

    Just a tiny bit on my tummy - but overall I like the way my body looks - I think I would just like to see those abs that are hiding under the layer of fat I have.

    Abs are made in the kitchen. I would cut back on the carbs and pay attention to the timing of carb consumption.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Do your clothes fit differently? Are your measurements changing? If cardio makes you feel good (I totally relate), then do it. Good luck!

    Just a tiny bit on my tummy - but overall I like the way my body looks - I think I would just like to see those abs that are hiding under the layer of fat I have.

    Abs are made in the kitchen. I would cut back on the carbs and pay attention to the timing of carb consumption.

    Timing and amount of carbs wont make much of a difference, unless you are not getting enough protein because of those carbs.
  • hazeljordan1974
    hazeljordan1974 Posts: 107 Member
    Wow, OP looked at a couple days of your diary, way over calories on a couple of them, and what is with the 300+ grams of carbs (over 500 one day)?

    You may want to revisit your Macros. Set your protein goal to 0.8 grams per lb of body weight, and your fat to 0.35 grams per lb of body weight, and use both of those numbers as minimums, fill the rest in with cabs, but use that as a maximum amount.
    Thank you for this - I know I am a carb queen and I need to cut that right down. I do try to add more protein to my diet and will continue to do that and keep within my macros. The last few weeks have been really bad I will admit - last week doubly so because I had a migraine and just felt compelled to eat all of the time, bad I know!