Big favour: PLEASE work out my daily calorie allowance



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    still easier to put your stats in MFP set your goal to 1lb a week, log your food accurately, log your exercise, eat back 50-75%of those calories..

    no waiting, no guessing and it works.
  • moonraker2014
    I agree with stef just keep it simple and stick to it as we all know the real key to this is consistency.

    Just make a start and keep a good accurate log so if it does not work out as you wanted then you at least of a log to go back to and then you can question your choices as to why the didn't work and not keep questioning all the different ways to skin a cat.

    live long and prosper mate and I do hope you start and stick to it as its in your own best interest:smile:
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Can I make a suggestion because if you want to really know what calories you need to lose a set amount of wt per week/month etc then I would do the following:

    do a 1 month or 2 week base line test before you start.

    Weight yourself on some accurate scales then

    For 2 to 4 weeks log all your food exercises carefully with the tools on this site do not change what you eat or do any extra exercises.

    Now Weight yourself again at the same time of day on the same scales wearing the same clothes.

    If your weight is the same on the 2nd weighing then you have 3 choices:

    1 more exercise - cardio eg running, walking etc
    2 less food as for every 500 calories less per day is 3500 per week which is roughly enough to lose 1 pound fat/muscle
    3 do 1 and together for a faster loss of weight until you reach your goal wt loss of 42 pounds then I would go back to your normal eating habits within reason of course but keep up the extra healthy exercise.

    See how it goes and if you start putting wt on again once over then of course its common sense that you need to change something again either with your diet or exercise and there will be no excuses no because you will now be armed with what works for YOU (know thyself)


    Yes. That's what I was looking for. Great answer. Thanks. I will do.
  • moonraker2014
    Oh and last thoughts you said you would like to look good in speedos are you serious mate or just kidding lol.
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Oh and last thoughts you said you would like to look good in speedos are you serious mate or just kidding lol.

    50/50% to be honest. It's not my serious goal, but I'm 40 this year and would like to be 'buff' for once in my life before the inevitable slide down to middle-age. Either Speedos or a Mankini for comedy value - just for the classic 'Before / After' photo ;)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Oh and last thoughts you said you would like to look good in speedos are you serious mate or just kidding lol.

    50/50% to be honest. It's not my serious goal, but I'm 40 this year and would like to be 'buff' for once in my life before the inevitable slide down to middle-age. Either Speedos or a Mankini for comedy value - just for the classic 'Before / After' photo ;)

    You go...I too just recently turned 41...and I am wearing a string bikini on my island vacation in a week...first time ever in one...:drinker:

    Being 40 (ish) fit and fab is the best ever..even more so than being 20(ish) cause it's expected...:wink:
  • moonraker2014
    I was my fittest and best looking in pair of shorts etc when I was 46 at 10% body fat 6' at 185 pounds.

    I had a six pack a v shape pecs and all that goes with it then, to be honest I loved looking in the mirror, just a quick look mind but it was a great feeling and typing this its got me wondering if I can do it again at 53 lol.
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Oh and last thoughts you said you would like to look good in speedos are you serious mate or just kidding lol.

    50/50% to be honest. It's not my serious goal, but I'm 40 this year and would like to be 'buff' for once in my life before the inevitable slide down to middle-age. Either Speedos or a Mankini for comedy value - just for the classic 'Before / After' photo ;)

    You go...I too just recently turned 41...and I am wearing a string bikini on my island vacation in a week...first time ever in one...:drinker:

    Being 40 (ish) fit and fab is the best ever..even more so than being 20(ish) cause it's expected...:wink:

    You go girl too. Congrats. Usually it's being 20 and no brain, or 40 and no body- you've now done it. Great mind and great body too. More power to you! Enjoy your vacation. mx
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    I was my fittest and best looking in pair of shorts etc when I was 46 at 10% body fat 6' at 185 pounds.

    I had a six pack a v shape pecs and all that goes with it then, to be honest I loved looking in the mirror, just a quick look mind but it was a great feeling and typing this its got me wondering if I can do it again at 53 lol.

    If you've done it before then you can do it again. I reckon the body is like one of those 'memory foam' mattresses, same as riding a bike too. If you've done it before you never forget. Go for it!

    I've never done it before though, so my body memory is set at that Stay Puft Marshmallow dude from Ghostbusters ;) (If you over 40 you'll get the film reference)
  • moonraker2014
    I like the memory foam analogy lol I just thinks my mind slips back into shape and expects it to happen again some time soon but my body is like in a eating bacon butties and drinking beer memory foam heaven:smile:
  • moonraker2014
    Your so right about the memory foam effect on you body mate.

    just do it for 6 months then you have it in the bank to use it again, the greek god body or the bacon butty dreamers