Struggling with Working Out/Getting Into a Routine

Hello everyone,

I have seriously been struggling with getting motivated to start working out & when I do I cant seem to stick to any routine I've tried.

Its easier I know when I first started doing the Couch to 5K program, but I've been on and off that and never progressed very far -- the farthest I got was up to Week 4 last summer, then it got hot outside and there went that....

Anyways, when I was excited about start C25K I did it like every day! But now, since I've been back and forth with it -- it's not like boring, but its not exciting anymore and I cant seem to pick it back up like before now that it's cool outside again.

Ive also tried getting into doing the 30 Day Shred -- but that got pretty boring pretty fast.

I have learned I like to go work out outside, but I need something to get me excited again! I REALLY need to get on this now cause I have a beach trip coming up in May & I really would like to enjoy myself this time.

I would be no where near goal by then, but anything is better than what I got now!



  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    1. It sounds like you did the right thing in trying something new (30DS), it just didn't work for you. No problems there, right?
    2. It is great you learned that you liked exercising outside. Maybe that is one reason you didn't like 30 DS?
    3. Maybe C25K appealed to you because it is so goal oriented? 30DS doesn't really offer that. Is there something else that would motivate you because there is a built in milestone?

    Good luck!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Gotta figure out what motivates you.

    Some things that work for me:
    Buy some new music to listen to on my runs.
    Sign up for a 5k, it gives me something to train for.
    Buy a new DVD program. Just bought P90x-3, the fact that I spent money on it makes me want to get my moneys worth.
    Reward yourself. Lose 5 lbs, you get to buy some new shoes (or something like that)

    You're here asking questions, you're clearly a little bit motivated. Sometimes you have to just do it.
  • krispy1982
    krispy1982 Posts: 47 Member
    I've had this struggle too - it's always to get past that first month! Is it possible you're overdoing it at first? I ask that because I tend to come out of the gate strong and get stressed/tired and quit. After years of this I finally just went back to the system that's worked for me before and lo and behold it's working now ;)

    For me, every other day is the perfect balance. It's not too much and it's also often enough for me to stay in the habit. If you have to work out every to stay in the habit maybe make it a different workout or something lighter?

    Another trick that works is to pick a date that's a couple of weeks beyond your usual quit point and tell yourself if you get there and still hate it you will find something else. Chances are by then you'll feel weird if you don't work out and the worst thing that will happen is you will switch programs, instead of stopping altogether.

    Just keep going! It will all fall into place.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    1) Are you exercising too much? I didn't think C25K was meant to be done every day. Perhaps you are burning out mentally and/or physically. At least alternate days.
    2) Find something FUN! Dancing, hooping, aerial silks, building snowmen...