Calorie burnt per workout

I've just joined the gym since a year of not doing much exercise at all,. The trainer at the gym gave me the following workout which I do three times a week, plus one day of mostly running.

I am 25, 5ft 6 and weigh 150 pounds. How many calories do you think I burn per session?

Warmup job 5mins at 7kmph 1% incline

1Lat. Pulldown weight 4kg x15
2)Squats 8kg kettlebell x15
3)Bench Press 5kg dumbbells x15
4) Lunge with Shoulder Press 3kg Dumbbells x16 (8 each leg)
5) Treadmill 1.0% Incline 10.5kmph 2mins
60secs rest.
Repeat 3 times include cool down on last round.

1) Stability Ball Sit Ups 2x15-20
2) Sitting down twists, 3kg Ball 2x15-20
3) Alternate arm/'leg raises 2x16

Does this workout look right for general weight loss?

Thanks for any help!