Anyone doing Insanity?

I am on week two of insanity and looking for buddies doing Insanity, please feel free to add me me :)


  • KarenTaylor250
    KarenTaylor250 Posts: 3 Member

    I just started today did fitness test and disk 1 was hard work I thought I was fit as I go to gym and run but this is completely different .
  • cardiogirl1970
    cardiogirl1970 Posts: 21 Member
    I used to run a lot but this is definitely different and hard, I find I ache more afterwards I guess its using more parts of the body, I love Shaun T's motivation that sort of hardcore motivation is just what I need :)
  • KarenTaylor250
    KarenTaylor250 Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah he is very motivating are you doing the food plan also ? I'm going to try cut out sugar and stick to my 1500 cal target ????