Hello everyone!

everyone suggested me that i was eating too less and my body cud go into starvation mode or its already in starvation mode..

i tried to eat more...can someone please check out my diary and see if i did fine or please suggest me if i need any changes :)

thanks in advance


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yesterday was pretty good...the rest eh.

    As a man you shouldn't be going under 1800 calories..esp with the amount of exercise you are doing..

    But you still aren't weighing your do you know for sure how much you are eating.....

    Now just to clear things up...starvation mode is a myth...your body is not going to hang onto fat or create it if you are eating too little..I mean say that out loud and you can realize it's absurdity...

    To get your caloires is easy depending on your choices. Full fat items such as whole milk is a good start and using olive oil for cooking helps too esp for getting your fat in (and yes you need fats to be healthy) and instead of 2 egg omlette try a 3 egg and if you can add in cheese...

    Peanut butter is a great calorie booster...and the protien is great too.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Yesterday was pretty good...the rest eh.

    As a man you shouldn't be going under 1800 calories..esp with the amount of exercise you are doing..

    But you still aren't weighing your do you know for sure how much you are eating.....

    Now just to clear things up...starvation mode is a myth...your body is not going to hang onto fat or create it if you are eating too little..I mean say that out loud and you can realize it's absurdity...

    To get your caloires is easy depending on your choices. Full fat items such as whole milk is a good start and using olive oil for cooking helps too esp for getting your fat in (and yes you need fats to be healthy) and instead of 2 egg omlette try a 3 egg and if you can add in cheese...

    Peanut butter is a great calorie booster...and the protien is great too.

    All this, and MORE PROTEIN.