Been here for a while but could use some friends.

Hey everyone,
I'm Steven. I would just like to say hello and introduce myself. I have been a member here for about a month now but have not done much on here besides my food diary. Wouldn't mind some extra motivation at times. :) I work out as much as possible both for fitness and it can help me keep my mind off of things. Which can be very helpful at times. I've lost approximately 40 pounds total and now am concentrating more on muscle gain before I go for losing that last bit of fat. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and possibly being able to help you on your journey as well. :)


  • mel5580
    mel5580 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I am new here only been 2 weeks but I wanted to say congrats on your weight loss so far..that is awesome!!!!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Hey dude. Congrats on your accomplishments so far. I have a little further to go than you...ALOT FURTHER ACTUALLY! I'm all about motivation and support. The MFP community is AWESOME. LETS DO THIS!!!!
  • urgirlworksout
    urgirlworksout Posts: 25 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss so far. awesome loss!
  • tooshie77
    Hello everyone. Just wanted to say, you all can feel free to add me. I'm always looking for supportive friends. I will do the same in return. :)
  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    Hello:) I have been here a while and always happy to help and support new friends so please add me if you would like too.
  • rhiannonmuntean
    Hey! I've just realised there is an online community today and I would love some friends to help keep me motivated.
    You've all done so much progress and that's fantastic! I've currently lost about 10kgs from my heaviest and would like to lose another 15kgs! :) if anyone wants to add me that would be awesome :)
  • rianne04
    Feel free to add! Almost lost the same amount as you (I've lost about 37lbs) and have pretty similar goal with muscle gain/ body toning. Would love to support and motivate! :smile:
  • sturroj0570
    Hi all my name is James I have just rejoined this morning with a long road ahead. Providing and receiving support will def' help to stay focused. Approx 140lbs to lose. Happy to return any friend requests to get this going.
  • freewingzz
    hey congrats to you on your awesum weight loss . thats a really gud job u have dun der.. i am new here and jus started my weight loss journey and hopefuly will reach my goals of 50 lbs.. keep up d efforts and good luck :)