45-50 Pounds in 5 months?

So I am getting back into the swing of things I honestly haven't changed much besides making a bit healthier choices and being a little more active. I haven't been trying and I've lost 20 pounds in 20 weeks.
If I were to really work at it would it be possible to loose 45-50 pounds in 5 months? I'm trying to get to 95 pounds so I realize once I get to a certain point it will be really hard to loose weight. I am 20 (and only 5'1.. so yes this is a healthy weight for my small body frame, I liked my body at this weight.) So 144 to 95 in 5 months, is this possible to do in a healthy way?


  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Honestly.. no probably not.

    I could see 20-30.

    50 if you starve yourself but I don't suggest doing that.