Training for a marathon or a triathlon?

Hello beautiful people,
I am looking for a tribe to connect with. My goal is to lose 15 lbs, train for a half marathon or the FULL on the Great Wall of China for May of 2014 and in the process become stronger in body and mind. I would love to cheer others on, and be a cheerleader for you in return. Strive to stay healthy. We only have one container, one physical body to live this life so why not celebrate what we can do together.
Shine on,


  • Awesome goal!

    I can't say I am train for a marathon... just C25K right now. You gotta start somewhere right?
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Training for my fifth half. Would love to do a full but I don't know how people find the time for those long runs. I *might* try to do it for the Oct. Rock N Roll here in Denver. I have a friend at work who does it. Ton of respect for anyone who does the whole 26.2.

    Good luck with the Great Wall! How awesome is that!