Ouch!! Any other (pain free) ideas?

I've recently set my mind in losing weight. I started at 73.9kg and have gone down to 71.3kg.
I don't gave much motivation to go to the gym but have been doing tummy crunches at home - as this is my main problem area.
However after a month if doing them every night, my tummy is sagger than ever and to make matters worse last night I think I pulled a muscle as I am in a load if pain today!

Any ideas how to tone up my horrible saggy tummy?! Nothing looks good in anymore - my clothes looked better when I was heavier and more 'rounded'!



  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I would suggest a total body workout, crunches really don't do much for you.
  • DiKoehler
    DiKoehler Posts: 65 Member
    you need to do a full range of exercises and aerobics as well to tone your body. Just crunches won't do it. Your tummy may look bad because you are building muscle in the area and making it look more prominent. Mine too but your clothes probably fit better and soon things will even out. Do bridges, some bicycling, leg lifts, some back exercises at least.
  • jasreyno
    First of all, congratulations on making a step toward getting in better shape. You should be proud as you have taken the biggest step toward weight loss.

    The problem with your methods are as follows:

    1. Fat loss can't be targeted. Your body's genetics are responsible for choosing where the weight comes off. So no matter how many crunches you do, it's not going to simply remove fat from your abdominal region. In fact, all you're probably doing is building your abdominal muscles undeneath layers of fat which is actually causing your stomach to get bigger.

    2. No muscle group should be worked every single day. Even though the abdominals are one of the most resilient muscle groups, you still need to give them rest. Overtraining any muscle group can lead to muscle shrinkage and serious injury. (Which might explain why you feel like you've pulled a muscle)

    The only way to loose fat is through a calorie deficit. That is, your daily net calories burned are higher than your daily net calories consumed. There's plenty of literature on this subject, you just have to do some research.

    Exercise is great, but try to avoid crunches every night and adopt a strength/cardio regimen. I would highly recommend reading the book Muscle Myths by Michael Matthews.

    All the best!