Help me please!?! Having a hard time eating !

So I have been here for 6 months and I am down about 20 lbs... But I feel like I am trying to be a perfectionist with what is being put into my body but this is leading me to fail... I want to be able to eat as much food as I want (without gaining weight obviously) and whatever I want (cake, ice cream, spaghetti, steak, bacon, Alfredo sauce, sour cream, chips, popcorn, chocolate, burgers, fries)

So which specific foods can I eat as much as I want of? Vegetables in general? Or are there only a few specific ones that you are aloud to eat as much as you want?

How do you fit the foods that are not so good for you in your diet?

I like the idea of weight watches but one of my friends said MFP is the same thing except free lol ... Please help! I have come too far to quit now! But I can't keep depriving myself from things I want!


  • Well a lot of the foods you're mentioning are just generally unhealthy for any living being. Once your body gets a little cleaner, you will start to have healthier cravings. If you want to eat as much as you want of anything, I would stick to water dense vegetables. You still need to watch your calories so if you eat nutritionally dense calories, you won't want to eat as much of anything.

    edt: and of course, if you must have an indulgent treat, just make sure you watch your portion and savor what you do eat. Then try to maintain your calories for the rest of the day. That's all I can really think of for someone who wants to eat pizza and lose weight - calorie counting and exercise.

    I don't count calories but I don't eat a whole lot of crap these days. Nuts are my favorite grazing snacks, I hate breakfast so I'll make a smoothie with greek yogurt, fruit, & coconut water or almond milk but still opt out for coffee most of the time. I really don't eat a whole lot of red meat or pasta and I try to stay away from breads and rice, and my dinners are usually at least 1/2 veggies like squash, zucchini, broccoli, etc. just because hubby and I love them so much and would eat them regardless. I still have not-so-healthy meals from time to time, I still eat frozen Thin Mints girl scout cookies, I make bacon wrapped cheesy eggs in muffin tins, I let myself have treats when I really want them but I don't go overboard, I don't stuff myself every time I have a meal, I stay well-hydrated, and I drop 2 lbs a week regularly without depriving myself at all. If I skip the unhealthy stuff and work out, imagine what that would do ;)

    Actually, I eat a ton of nuts. I wasn't even trying to lose weight but wound up losing weight over the holidays (tamales, stuffing, desserts, everything!) so it was a bit of a shock but the only change I really made was that I was eating tons of nuts, since they tend to be sold in larger quantities around Thanksgiving & Christmas. I know they're high in fat but if avocado and nuts are my main sources of fat, I'm perfectly fine
    with that. If you keep your stomach satiated on healthier snacks between meals, you'll be able to eat spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread without over-eating.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    I try to not deny myself anything-

    thatt being said- its all about moderation-

    if i crave chocolate which i do- i eat some- not a whole bag- and not when i first want it- i work it into my caloires

    the same with pizza or steak or alfredo sauce- or what ever it is

    you just have to learn what works for you
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    umm you can probably eat an endless amount of celery.. but everything else is how you gain weight.. its all about not getting rid of what you like, but at the same time know where to stop so you don't gain weight... That is where activity comes into play and how much movement you do (TDEE, Search it)..

    Nobody says you can't eat those foods, just not endless amounts.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I think most of us wish we could eat whatever we want, however much we want. It comes down to what you want more - a fit body because you do plan your diet and eat within an appropriate calorie range or an obese body because you eat however much you want of whatever you want.

    I'm still struggling with this. It's one step forward, two steps back so far.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    A calorie deficit is the key to weight loss, and for that reason, there isn't any food you can eat as much as you want. You can however eat whatever you want, you just need to figure out a way to fit it into your calorie goal. I still eat every food you listed there regularly, I just eat in moderation.

    Now, while you CAN eat whatever you want, you have to look at your overall diet and your goals. You could eat all the foods you want every day and would still lose weight if you fit it into your calorie goals. But you might not like the way you feel (not getting all your nutrients) and you might not like the way you look (not getting enough protein means you lost muscle as well as fat).

    I would suggest an 80/20 split - as long as 80% of your diet is nutrient rich food, there's no reason 20% can't be whatever you want. I had pizza and chocolate yesterday. I also had salad, peanut butter, greek yogurt, fruit, and whole grain bread. One food doesn't make or break a diet, you have to look at the whole picture. The same policy applies for special occasions or nights out - going over one day because you decided you wanted a burger and fries doesn't undo all the hard work you did all week long. Enjoy it, log it, and get back to it the next day.

    I'm going to drop this link here, because it's full of good info about diet and exercise, and the links within it are awesome as well:
  • I eat spaghetti all the time, I make extra at dinner and have it for breakfast the next day. I love spaghetti, and aside from it's pretty high calorie load (above 500 per serving the way I make it) it's pretty okay for you. My macros are always as close to spot on as I can manage on spaghetti days. I also eat a lot of steak (though nowhere bear the portion sizes I used to) and sour cream. It's all just portioning and planning ahead.
    The only thing I let myself eat "as much as I want" is baby carrots, because I rarely go over a full serving in a day which is what I log of them, and they're good fiber to cut back on the hunger in between meals. I also portion out a single serving of cheezits in a bowl and leave them on my counter for me throughout the day, that way I know I won't go over but I can bored snack on them.