trying myfitnesspal again

hi everyone please feel free to add me iam trying myfitnesspal again I haven't used it in about 2 two yrs. an as a result I have gained 15 more lbs lol :( soooo everyone add me and lets all support each other...have no friends on here


  • NanaDucky
    NanaDucky Posts: 3 Member
    I am doing the same thing and I have not used it for 2 to 3 years. So I am on my way. I would love to support you and you can do the same for me. I no friends on here either. So lets buddy up!
  • jamieprado
    jamieprado Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a very similar spot I had gotten down to 213 but am now back at 225 my ultimate goal is. 163 but that long term. My first goal is back to 215.
  • gran2one
    gran2one Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first week using MFP and I love it. It gives you enough info that you know where to make changes in your diet and exercise. I use it along with the Fitbit and love the way info is shared between the two. It has helped me already because I lost 5 pounds this first week!!
  • NanaDucky
    NanaDucky Posts: 3 Member
    Well that is a great goal, Jamleprado! Take it slow that is what I have been doing. Then when I reach that goal, I get my self something. Nothing major or expensive. My first one so far is a picture frame. My next goal is to get to 189. Then 180. Then I will take it from there. As like anyone, somedays are hard and somedays are good.