Food and depression



  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    I know that when I cut out the heavy processed carbs it helped my mood a lot. But cutting out grains completely? Nah! Obviously replacing processed carbs with good healthy whole carbs like steel cut oats will be beneficial to your body as a whole. Just like replacing a cookie with a piece of fruit would be beneficial as well. I don't think you have to cut grains at all but I could see how it could help someone with depressive symptoms if they did cut processed carb food items.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I was diagnosed with moderate/severe depression when I was in middle school. Mine is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and I was told at one time that medication was the only way to control it. I wasn't satisfied with that though, because all the meds I have taken have either made me feel like a zombie or the side effects were so bad they out weighed any of the positive effects. I tried low carb for a while. I had a doc at the time recommend it to help control depression. It ended up making me much worse. I was barely getting out of bed to shower.

    After that I started my own research and tried different methods to attempt to control depression. What works for me is eating a balanced diet, I eat a good amount of carbs. I eat more fruit and veggies also. I work out regularly and meditaion yoga has taught me to control my breathing in case of a panic attack. I have a counselor who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy, which has been the most valuable tool in terms of controlling my thoughts. If I do all these things and get plenty of sleep then I co.trol without medication.

    Depression can manifest itself differently in different people, so you will have to find the best way for you.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I know that when I cut out the heavy processed carbs it helped my mood a lot. But cutting out grains completely? Nah! Obviously replacing processed carbs with good healthy whole carbs like steel cut oats will be beneficial to your body as a whole. Just like replacing a cookie with a piece of fruit would be beneficial as well. I don't think you have to cut grains at all but I could see how it could help someone with depressive symptoms if they did cut processed carb food items.

    But sometimes a cookie is what someone wants and as long as they do it in moderation, that is okay too. I find that depriving myself actually can throw me into a spin because I get upset about not being "allowed" that cookie. Add that on top of everything else going on right now and, well, I cry and scream over a cookie. Yep, illogical and I know it is... but it is almost like I can't deal with ONE more thing and that cookie was that thing.

    Ah, the fun of depression!
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Well I could see that it may be a problem for people that link their emotions with eating. But yes, I agree sometimes a cookie is all you need if it's a once in awhile thing. But I also find when I stay away from those things I don't crave them as badly. I'm just saying for the most part, processed carbs do not work well for me and if it's something the OP would like to give a try it could help. But honestly if someone is depressed they should see a professional first.
  • EmoJew
    EmoJew Posts: 94 Member
    Things that really helped me recover...

    0 alcohol
    90% cocoa chocolate
    Dark green vegetables
    A good multivitamin
    Extra magnesium

    (Counselling and meds for a while)
  • bradXdale
    I used to try and blame my anxiety on food or the "maybe I have this disease because anxiety is a symptom and I have anxiety. My real issue was not working out and taking care of my healthy physically and mentally. I eat carbs, fats and proteins. I have lost 8 pounds and have not been down, sad or nervous since.