How long out of action with runners knee?

Hi Guys,

I've been running for just over a month. I'm using the c25k app as I am completely new.

For the last few runs I've been getting a bruised feeling around my right kneecap (on the inner, bottom of kneecap). Tonight I actually had to stop my run as it was really hurting and now I'm home I'm struggling to stand on it (until now it only hurts after and usually recovers on my rest days - I run ever other day).

From what I've read I'm guessing I've got runners knee... it make sense as I am new and fat! :)

I know I can't ask for medical advice on here, which isn't what I'm doing - I was more wondering how long on average people are usually out of action with this? I'm going to do swimming etc. instead whilst I'm resting the knee. I'm gutted, but want to make sure I don't make it worse by not resting long enough as I don't want to give up completely.


  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    For most, provided the meniscus isn't torn, 4-6 weeks is the average. is a good article on runners knee. There is also such a thing as quadriceps tendonitis, but that is something for a medical professional to determine what is going on ( I brought that up because it's common to cause pain on the side of the knee you mentioned, but so can runners knee.).
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member and are great websites to explore when you have an injury.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    I would see a physical therapist. I've had knee issues that were my IT band which can also be painful but that can be alleviated by stretching. That stinks your running was waylaid so quickly it can be very enjoyable. Hope you are back at it by spring!
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    I had this when I first started running 4-6 weeks is about right.
    You can also get patella support straps which are well worth investing in to give you a bit of support while it's recovering.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Been there.
    If you Google it there are a number of videos that will walk you though rehabbing and strengthening runners knees. Look for hip and gultes workouts ( all connected) if you want just shoot me a PM to remind me and i can find the links to few im doing once im on my pc. I belive one was runners world band-aid...

    I never did switch to swimming as my knee only acts up on a treadmill or pavement. Now I do the videos and stay off the road. In winter i just dont run much. Im fine for all my cardio classes which seems odd i know, but my point is you might still be fine to do other types of cardio.
  • Thanks everyone,

    I was hoping it would only be a week or so! :(

    I've got one of those knee support things so I am hoping that will help.

    I will google the vids - thanks for the tip