Does dehydration stop weight loss?

Hello. So my weight loss was pretty fine and steady until Monday. On Monday, I became so dehydrated that my saliva ceased to be fluid and rather became very thick and mucous like, and my fingers started to have a moderate tingling sensation (felt like electricity running through them). As soon as I got home, I made sure to drink plenty of fluid and all of those symptoms stopped. I also ensured that I did not reach that state of dehydration again throughout the rest of the week. However, I have noticed that since Monday, the scale has seemed to stop moving, almost completely. In fact, today I weigh slightly more than I did on Monday. And my sodium count has been normal, so I doubt that it's water weight. What do you think it could be? And how can I jump start my weight loss again?


  • Brynich
    Brynich Posts: 65 Member
    Added information: I eat 1600 calories a day and do not have an exercise routine.