Will I forever have a "pouch"? (c-section)

For those of you mammas out there that have had a c-section - have you been able to successfully get rid of the "pouch" ? I had an emergency c-section a little over a year ago - horizontally cut - and afterwards was told by a sister in law (who has had 3) that you never lose the pouch, no matter how hard you try. I'm only recently starting out here, but I would like to know if anyone has had any success - then I know what to look for, or not look for, when it comes to results. Thanks!


    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Belly fat is usually the last thing to go, since it's usually the first place many of us gain it. I can't say that you'll have a great looking stomach, but mine is starting to look pretty awesome. I've got my bodyfat% down to 18.3%. I weight 140lb's, and have 114lb's of muscle, according to the body fat analyser at my gym, (who knows how accurate it is). Anywho, that leaves me with appx 26lb's of fat, and guess where most of that is? My belly. :tongue: It's looking a lot better than it used to, and I'm starting to see some definition, but not where I'd like it to be. It's bigger and more bloated in the evening, after I've eaten, but in the morning, it's pretty flat. I can't guarantee that you'll get rid of the pouch, but I would bet that it is possible. You just have to keep pushing, and when you're to the point where you're about to call it a day, keep pushing, 'cuz that's probably when it will start coming off. :wink: